
来源 :中国年鉴研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly12345000
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通过梳理中华文化、中华传统文化、方志文化之间的关系,以及文化自信重大命题提出的过程,系统研究方志文化自信提出的时代背景,以及方志文化自信的基础、内涵与价值,首次提出方志文化自信的概念。方志文化自信不是无源之水,无根之木,而是根植于方志文化的民族性、地域性、包容性、功能性、资料性、权威性的基本属性。方志文化自信作为文化自信的重要组成部分,有其独特而丰富的内涵,是宏观、中观、微观三个主体层面对方志文化确信和肯定的一种稳定心理特征。在中华民族伟大复兴、社会主义文化大发展大繁荣、维护国家文化安全的大背景下,提出建立方志文化自信,具有重要的理论价值和时代价值。要探寻方志文化在我国几千年的源流,遵循文化自信生成的基本规律,立足中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦目标实现,从主观和客观方面规划设计方志文化自信的建立路径。以方志文化自信为逻辑起点,在中国文化走出去战略实现过程中,方志文化应当发挥引领作用,率先走向世界舞台;在中国文化走出去战略实现之后,方志文化要勇敢担当,站在世界文化舞台中央。 By combing the process proposed by Chinese culture, Chinese traditional culture, local culture and the major topics of cultural self-confidence, this paper systematically studies the background of the cultural self-confidence of local culture and the basis, connotation and value of local culture self-confidence. Confident concept. Local cultural self-confidence is not a passive water, roots, but rooted in the local culture of nationalism, regional, inclusive, functional, informational, authoritative basic attributes. As an important component of cultural self-confidence, local culture self-confidence has its unique and rich connotation. It is a stable psychological feature that confirms and affirms the local culture of Zhizhi at the three subjective levels of macro, meso and micro. Under the background of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the great prosperity and development of socialist culture and the safeguard of national cultural security, it is of great theoretical and historical value to establish the cultural self-confidence of Fangzhi. It is necessary to explore the origin of the culture of chronicles in our country for thousands of years, to follow the basic rules of the formation of cultural self-confidence, to base on the realization of the dream of Chinese Dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and to design and construct the path of cultural self-confidence based on subjective and objective aspects. Taking the self-confidence of local culture as the starting point of logic, in the process of realizing the strategy of going global, Chinese local culture should play a leading role and lead the world stage. After the Chinese culture goes global, the local culture should stand bravely and stand on the stage of world culture central.
<正> 船舶是使用钢丝绳的大户,钢丝绳在船上的用途十分广泛。按用途的不同可以分为拖缆、系缆、锚缆、机械用索、支扶索等。其中,机械用索,主要是船上用的各种卷扬提升用的钢
[摘要] 目的 探讨氧气驱动雾化利多卡因在纤维支气管镜检查中的麻醉效果。方法 将60例接受纤支镜检查的患者随机分组,对照组给予喷雾利多卡因麻醉,治疗组给予氧驱动简易雾化器雾化利多卡因麻醉。结果 两组麻醉维持时间无显著性差异(P>0.05),而两组麻醉优良率经统计学处理有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 氧气驱动雾化利多卡因在纤维支气管镜检查中的麻醉效果满意,值得推广。  [关健词] 氧气驱动雾
<正> 玻璃钢材料因其比重小、耐腐蚀、易着色、成型工艺好、力学性能优异而在新型浮标研制中越来越受到青睐。美。英、法、德、日、加拿大等国早在六十年代初就相继研制生产