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2013年11月23日,中国国防部宣布划设东海防空识别区,并表示这是中国有效行使自卫权的必要措施,不针对任何特定国家和目标,不影响有关空域的飞越自由。11月24日,声明发表的第二天,美国国务卿克里及国防部长哈格尔尔表示,美国对中国近日宣布划设东海防空识别区的举动“极为关切”。克里称,美国敦促中国不要对未被识别和未遵守中国指令的飞机实施威胁或采取行动,希望“中国保持克制”。在这里,不禁让我们联想到1999年中美掩机事件,当年美国EP-3侦察机撞毁我军战斗机的事件至今尤有余波。在这十几年里,美国军方一些人士依然蛮横地表示要继续在中国沿海地区进行侦察飞行。据报道,美国不光用最新型的“全球鹰”无人侦察机对其他国家实施侦察,还正在研制最前沿,最新型的无人侦察机SR-72。 On November 23, 2013, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced the delineation of the Donghai Air Defense Identification Zone and said that it is a necessary measure for China to effectively exercise its right of self-defense. It does not target any specific country or destination and does not affect the freedom of overflight in the airspace concerned. On the 24th of November, the day after the statement was made, U.S. Secretary of State Kerry and Defense Minister Hagel said that the United States is “extremely concerned” with China’s recent move to declare the identification of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone. Kerry said the United States urges China not to threaten or take action on aircraft that are not identified or to comply with China’s orders, and hope that “China will exercise restraint.” Here, we can not but remind us of the cover incident in 1999 between China and the United States, when the U.S. EP-3 reconnaissance plane crashed and destroyed our military’s fighter jet so far, especially aftermath. In these more than a decade, some members of the U.S. military still have no reason to say that they will continue reconnaissance flights in the coastal areas of China. According to reports, the United States not only uses the latest “Global Hawk” unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to carry out reconnaissance in other countries, but also is developing the most advanced and state-of-the-art unmanned reconnaissance aircraft SR-72.