
来源 :财经问题研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrmcttkl
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一、面向问题、多学科性运筹学在欧美简称O.R,它是运用科学方法来解决工业、商业、政府、国防等部门里有关人力、机器、物资、金钱等大型系统的指挥或管理中所出现的复杂问题的一门学科。它是许多管理、生产、设计、科研等单位所需要的工具。运筹学的原始精神就是面向问题,面临问题的最优解。就是要帮助当事人作出决策,对情况作出客观的分析,对各种可能出现的情况作出科学的估计,提出控制系统的途径和方法。 First, the problem-oriented, multidisciplinary operations research in Europe and the United States referred to as OR, it is the use of scientific methods to solve industrial, commercial, government, national defense and other departments in the human, machinery, materials, money and other large systems in the command or management of the emergence A subject of complex issues. It is a tool that many management, production, design, scientific research and other units need. The original spirit of operations research is the optimal solution to problems and problems. It is to help the parties make decisions, make an objective analysis of the situation, make scientific estimates of various possible situations and propose ways and means of controlling the system.
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