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技术创新是经济增长的重要力量,能促进生产力提高和产业分化。硅谷的崛起,发达国家的成功经验说明了政府技术创新投资对经济的推动作用,这对我国改变经济落后状况、缓解就业矛盾,形成投资促增长、增长促投资的良性循环,有极为重要的意义。 技术创新是实施“科教兴国”战略、抢占科技和产业制高点的关键。美国运用科技经济导向政策,不但使美国经济走出谷底,并出现持续稳定增长,其经济增长连续超过115个月的历史新高,充分反映了技术创新的生机与活力。技术创新对经济增长和社会发展起着至关重要的作用,它对经济的推动作用和外在经济性要求政府加大投资力度。 Technological innovation is an important force for economic growth and can promote the improvement of productivity and industrial differentiation. The rise of Silicon Valley and the successful experience of developed countries show that the government investment in technological innovation can promote the economy. This is of great significance for our country to change its economic backwardness, ease employment conflicts, form a virtuous cycle of boosting investment and increasing investment. . Technological innovation is the key to implementing the strategy of “rejuvenating the country through science and education” and seizing the high ground of science and technology and industry. The U.S. policy of using science and technology as an economy has not only brought the U.S. economy to the bottom and sustained and steady growth, its economic growth has continuously surpassed the record high of 115 months, which fully reflects the vigor and vitality of technological innovation. Technological innovation plays an important role in economic growth and social development. Its promotion of the economy and its external economy require the government to increase its investment.
(三) 变分问题的离散化在(一)中我们已经建立起任意有界二维区域Ω上雷诺方程 (C) Discretization of Variational Problems In (1) we have established a Reynolds equat
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在经过一段时间的资料搜集和分析之后,想必已经有几款车型进入了你的视野。接下来,就该进行实地体验——试驾了。 After a period of data collection and analysis, presum