Mindy Collier,4个月。已患感冒两天。早晨醒来,干咳并伴有呼吸困难。她母亲带她去诊所看病。1.下面哪种体征或症状能告诉你Mindy患的是急性呼吸困难症? a.安静状态呼吸频率为每分钟35次b.鼻翼煽动C.膈式呼吸d.两肺支气管呼吸音2.Mindy被诊断为毛细支气管炎,住院治疗,在氧气帐里输氧。按照护理计划,要求每2小时给Mindy变换一下卧位,最有疗效的卧位应是:
Mindy Collier, 4 months. Has a cold for two days. Wake up in the morning, dry cough with dyspnea. Her mother took her to the clinic for a doctor. 1. Which of the following signs or symptoms can tell you that Mindy has a history of acute dyspnea? A. Quiet state with a respiratory rate of 35 beats per minute b. Nasal flaring incapacitated C. Diaphragmatic breaths d. Two lung bronchial breath sounds 2. Mindy Was diagnosed with bronchiolitis, hospitalized, oxygen in the oxygen account. According to the nursing plan, Mindy is required to transform the supine position every 2 hours. The most effective supine position should be: