In this paper, the process of producing glassy carbon from pyrolysis of polyfurfural alcohol and phenolic polymer is discussed in detail. The effect of cross-linkages in the polymer is demonstrated by the investigation of formaldehyde-modified polyfurfural alcohol and its comparison with the oxidized phenethyl ether. The similar shrinkage behavior unrelated to the raw materials shows that the porosity of glassy carbon is approximately similar, about 30%. These pores have the same dimensions and have a diameter of 25 (?) After heat treatment at 2200C and a diameter of 35 (?) After heat treatment at 3000C. The entrance to most pores is between 4 and 5 (?). The glass-carbon intensity determined by the heat treatment temperature reaches the maximum after heat treatment at 2000 ° C. As a result, a flexural strength of 15,000 psi and a Young’s modulus of 4.5 to 5 psi were measured at room temperature.