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1967年初,中国一批留欧学生在向列宁墓敬献花圈时,遭到前苏联军警的疯狂镇压,发生了“一·二五莫斯科红场流血事件”.岁月匆匆,沧海桑田.今天,中国已从“左” 的桎梏中解放出来,迈开了现代化建设的大步;苏联亦解体、分化.抚今忆昔,回首自己亲自参加的这件往事,豪迈和愧疚一起涌向心头……1989年5月6日,邓小平在会见苏联最高苏维埃主席团主席、苏共中央总书记戈尔巴乔夫时说:“从六十年代中期起,我们的关系恶化了,基本上隔断了.”“我们这次会见的目的是八个字:结束过去,开辟未来.……但是,过去的事完全不讲恐怕也不好,总得有个交代.”(《邓小平文选》第3卷第241页)这一席话,对我也有触动.当年参加的那次“红场流血事件”,是否也需要交代和反思一下呢?  At the beginning of 1967, when a group of Chinese students studying in Europe left wreaths at the grave of Lenin, they were subjected to the crazy crackdown by the former Soviet Union military police and the “bloodshed on January 23 Moscow Red Square.” The liberation from the “left” shackles embarked on the great step toward modernization, and the Soviet Union also disintegrated and divided. Looking back on this past incident, the heroic and guilty flocked to the heart ... 1989 On May 6, when Deng Xiaoping met with Gorbachev, chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union and the general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping said: “Since the mid-1960s, our relations have deteriorated and are basically cut off.” “We The purpose of the meeting was eight words: to end the past and open up the future ...... However, there is always an explanation for the past events, which are not to be explained at all. ”(Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Vol. 3, p. 241) , Also touched me.At that time to participate in the “Red Bloodshed”, also need to explain and reflect on it?
Objective:The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of Pin1 on the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in human colorectal carcinoma SW620 cells. Methods: We
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