
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shalaoshi
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土地不仅是农民的生产资料,也是他们的生活保障。基于此,《国务院关于解决农民工问题的若干意见》强调,不得以农民进城务工为由收回承包地,要纠正违法收回农民工承包地的行为。 Land is not only a means of production of peasants, but also a guarantee of their livelihood. Based on this, the “State Council’s Opinions on Solving the Problem of Migrant Workers” emphasizes that the contracted land should not be withdrawn on the ground that the migrant workers have migrated to other cities, and the illegal act of recovering the contracted land of migrant workers should be corrected.
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自美国阿波罗载人登月计划对月球20%的表面进行物理特征测绘后,随着火星观测计划的成功,美国航宇局(NASA)产生了希望对月球其余80%表面的物理特征进行测绘的想法。 借助火星观测
日前,必和必拓最终因为不符合股东利益最大化而放弃对力拓的收购,这场全球矿业领域有史以来最大收购案草草收场。 Recently, BHP Billiton eventually renounced the acquis
A Birthday Presen Helen:Mum,do you know what I’m going to give you for your birthday? Mum:No,dear,what is it? Helen:A nice teapot.Mum:But I’ve got a nice teap
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