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1月16日,亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)正式开业,总部设在北京,第一任行长是金立群。亚投行的成立,为世界金融体系带来许多新气象。第一次由发展中国家主导——当下,世界上主要金融机构包括国际货币基金组织和世界银行,依然是由美国和欧洲掌控。亚投行成立后,57个创始国,75%的股权由亚洲区域内成员、主要是亚洲发 January 16, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was officially opened, headquartered in Beijing, the first president is Jin Liqun. The establishment of the AIIB has brought many new things to the world financial system. For the first time dominated by developing countries - the moment, the world’s major financial institutions, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, are still dominated by the United States and Europe. After the AIIB was established, 57 founding countries, 75% of which are owned by members of the Asian region, mainly Asia
制冷剂被划分为哪些类别?如何从编号上识别它们?制冷剂的种类很多,目前,全世界都统一使用ASHRAE(AmericanSocietyofHeating,RefrigeratingandAir-condi-tioningEngineers)美国采暖、制冷... Refrigerants are divided into what categories? How to identify
AIM To analyze predictors of healthcare-seeking behavior among Chinese patients with irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) and their satisfaction with medical care.METH
Objective: To understand the impact of platelet associated immunoglobulin G(PAIg G)/platelet associated immunoglobulin M(PAIg M) on severity of dengue virus inf