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关于乡镇企业出口创汇的核算问题,新制度没有明确规定,各企业在实际工作中做法五花八门,特提出以下意见,供参考。1、收到外贸部门拨入外汇留成额度通知单时, 增(借):其他存款——美元额度增(贷):专用基金——留成外汇额度2、企业因购买平价原材料,需要美元额度时, 减(贷):其他存款——美元额度减(借):专用基金——留成外汇额度3、国家需要外汇有偿调剂时(调出一美元额度,企业可收入补偿人民币一元), 增(借):银行存款增(贷):专用基金——发展基金同时作: 减(贷):其他存款——美元额度减(借):专用基金——留成外汇额度4、企业收到创汇奖金的银行通知单时; With regard to the calculation of the foreign exchange earned by the township and village enterprises, the new system does not clearly stipulate that the various companies have different practices in practical work. The following opinions are specifically proposed for reference. 1. When receiving the foreign exchange department’s call for foreign exchange retention limit, increase (borrow): other deposits - increase in the dollar amount (loan): special fund - retained foreign exchange quota 2, when the company needs to use the dollar amount due to purchasing cheap raw materials , Deduction (credit): Other deposits - US dollar deductions (borrowed): Dedicated funds - retained foreign exchange quotas 3, when the country needs foreign exchange payment adjustment (recall a dollar quota, the company can make up for a yuan compensation), increase (by ): Increase in bank deposits (loans): Dedicated funds - Development funds at the same time: Reductions (credits): Other deposits - US dollar deductions (debit): Dedicated funds - Retained foreign exchange quotas 4. Banks receiving bonuses from companies Notice;
从语用体验的角度,分析了语文教学中“传意”迷失的原因,并试图从关注“课后练习”“课文插图”“文本‘轻描淡写’之处”这三方面来探究让“传意”回归课堂的策略。 From t
我的水星妈妈对我的学习管理得很好,我经常听她谈起我小时候的事情。我的火星爸爸对我很有耐心,我如果犯了错误,他就原谅我一次,第二次犯了同样的错误,我就会被他批评。平 M
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在一部书里寻觅 首先使我触摸到 最初的一道伤口 最初的一滴鲜血 Looking in a book first touched me to the first drop of blood on a first wound
[听我讲讲]亲爱的小朋友,高明的厨(chu)师能将一只鸭子烧(shao)成各式各样的菜。写作文也是如此(ci),同样的材料,要是你能从不 [Listen to me] Dear children, wise chu can