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  Question: When was the first time that you thought of becoming a mangaka[日本漫画家] and why?
  Kishimoto: At some point between second and fourth grade I got into Akira Toriyama’s Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball注. I loved his characters. Also, his art really appealed to[有吸引力] me. There was something about his cartoony[卡通化] drawing style that felt right. I thought to myself, I wanted to become like him.
  Q: Compared to when you first started, how do you think you’ve grown and changed both as an artist and person?
  K: During my career as a mangaka, I got married, had kids and became a father. This directly influenced[影响] the story in Naruto. Through these experiences, I realized the things that are important in the world.
  The character Naruto represents[代表] a little bit of
  myself and a little bit of my child. It was after my child was born that I wanted to write about Naruto’s parents. The way Naruto’s parents feel about him is very close to how I feel towards my kids. Even if I died someday, I want to leave a work in the world that would let my kids understand what I always wanted to tell them.
  Q: What is your feeling toward Sasuke, who has gone through drastic[激烈的] change throughout the series?
  K: Sasuke is always in the corner of my mind. Naruto and Sasuke progress[前进,生长] as a pair. So when I write about Naruto, I always have to think about Sasuke. They are on opposite[相反的] sides of the spectrum[系列], like yin and yang.
  Q: The Akatsuki are one of the most colorful and intriguing[有趣的] groups of villains[恶棍] in any manga. Why did you create the Akatsuki? Do you have a favorite?
  K: Itachi, Sasuke’s brother, is my favorite. The Akatsuki is an anti-hero group who are pitted[使竞争] against the main characters in Naruto. But I didn’t want to just make them villains, because I thought there should be different reasons as to why they became outlaws[罪犯] against society. I wanted to explore their backgrounds just as much as I would for the heroes.
  Q: When people read your manga, what do you hope they’ll take away from it?
  K: In real life, it’s hard for people to understand each other because of things like differences in culture or upbringing[教养]. As you grow up, you start to see that sometimes things in life don’t go right. But I created Naruto to tell the younger generation that although there’s hardship in life, you can get along. Other than that, I would rather let the readers themselves find out what they can get from Naruto.
Wherever you are  Well, know that I adore[喜爱] you  No matter how far  Well, I can go before you  And if ever you need someone  Well, not that you need helping  But if ever you want someone  Well, know
小编最近接到一些读者的投诉,说为什么“娱乐直播室”总是介绍女明星,甚至怀疑负责这个栏目的编辑是不是宅男一枚(小编真是冤啊,好桑心的说)。好吧,既然大家喜欢帅哥,安塞尔·埃尔格特应该可以满足大家的要求了吧?  你也许觉得安塞尔·埃尔格特这个名字有点拗口、比较陌生,但只要一提起《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars,简称TFIOS)——想起来了吧?没错,他演的就是身患癌症的奥古斯
If I only had one match left  Would I try to light a fire under you?  If I could only say one thing  Would it be what I’ve been wanting to?  Every time I close the gate  I wonder if this is enough  If
Salvador Dalí  教育或许是取得成功的关键之一,不过让不守规矩的学生聊感安慰的是,事实上,有些在历史上极具影响力的人物在其少年时代也曾经被逐出校园。大多数人被开除是因为恶作剧或者其他年少轻狂的举动,但也有一部分人——他们被赶出学校的原因正是他们后来赖以成名的品性德行。从萨尔瓦多·达利到埃德加·爱伦·坡,一起来了解一下这四位曾被学校开除的历史人物吧。  In 1922, future S
I recently turned 30. For some very odd reason I’ve not warmed to the idea of it just yet. However as I began to evaluate[评估] my 20s, I realised how many mistakes I’ve made and things I’ve learned in
什么是“脑洞大开”?  看完本文,你就知道什么才是真正的“脑洞大开”!首先,主人公是一个人,然后他假设自己是一个机器人,住在英格兰海岸边的一个农舍里,梦想着成为一只猫咪,一只不被主人赏识的猫咪。很奇特吧?这样奇葩的脑回路,加上令人忍俊不禁的细节描写,让这曲机器人狂想曲显得欢快激昂。  If I were a robot, I would probably not kill all humans. 
She was maybe six years old, smiling and ladylike[如淑女的] in a gauzy[薄纱的] white dress. The kind of dress that makes me want a daughter. The kind of smile that’s heavy on sugar and light on spice[香料, 调味品
我们日常英语对话以及写作中常常会用到有关家务活(housework)的词语。因为家务活种类繁多,分工也比较细,所以很多同学并不知道怎么用英语表达某种家务活,比如擦窗户、晾衣服等。小编总结了一些比较常用家务活词组,同学们可以专门记忆学习一下,然后写一篇关于做家务的日记。  烹饪 do the cooking  摆放餐具 set the table  收拾桌子 clean the table  洗碗
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