修建湘江防洪大堤 加快农田水利建设步伐

来源 :湖南水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qy19871120wr
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1994年6月我市遭受了百年不遇的特大洪水灾害。在严重的灾害面前,市委、市政府痛定思痛,果断决策,在全市城乡迅速掀起了以修建湘江防洪大堤为重点的水利建设大会战热潮。目前,这一大会战已摆开三大战场:以市区河西湘江大堤为主的湘、保江防洪大堤工程为第一战场;以大中型 In June 1994, the city suffered a devastating flood disaster of a century. In the face of serious disasters, the municipal party committee and municipal government took great pains and make decisive decisions. In the urban and rural areas throughout the city, the general assembly battle over water conservancy construction with the emphasis on the construction of the Xiangjiang flood control embankment was launched. At present, the three major battlegrounds have been set at this General Assembly battle: the Xiangtan and Baojiang flood control embankments, which are mainly built in the urban area of ​​Xiangjiang River in the urban area, are the first battlefields; the large-
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