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2011年上半年,辽宁省总工会就全省企业职工劳动经济权益实现状况及思想动态情况进行了专题调查。一、影响劳动关系和谐与职工队伍稳定的主要问题及原因分析(一)普通职工工资收入水平低、增长慢。月收入1000元以下的占22.3%,1500元以下的占53.7%,2000元以下的占81.4%。普通职工月收入大多集中在1000~1500元。40.7%的职工表示对自己现在的工资收入不满意,由劳动报酬而引发的劳动争议占34.4%。39%的职工认为收入差距过大,贫富不均是当前影响社会稳定的突出问题。国企同 In the first half of 2011, the Liaoning Provincial Federation of Trade Unions conducted a special investigation on the status of realization of the labor and economic rights and interests of the employees of the province’s enterprises and their trends of thinking. I. Main Problems Influencing the Harmony of Labor Relations and Stable Workforce (I) The level of wage income of ordinary workers is low and growth is slow. Accounting for 22.3% of those with a monthly income of less than 1000 yuan, 53.7% of those with a monthly income of less than 1,500 yuan and 81.4% of those with a monthly income of less than 2,000 yuan. The monthly income of ordinary workers mostly concentrated in the 1000 ~ 1500 yuan. 40.7% of workers said they are not satisfied with their current wage income, labor disputes caused by labor disputes accounted for 34.4%. 39% of workers think that the income gap is too large, and the unevenness between the rich and the poor is the outstanding issue that affects social stability. State-owned enterprises
南通县观河初中王学余老师,采用记号批改,浮动计分的方法,取得了较好的教学效果。 Teacher Wang Xueyu of Guanhe Junior High School in Nantong County adopted a method
Before his death Lu Xun was sub-jected to every kind of taunt, abuse, cursesand attack, and even after his death he couldnot rest in peace: unintentional misund