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一个孩子被救出来后对着废墟下的爸爸妈妈挥手说再见;一个五十多岁被压在废墟中的老奶奶,为了让武警官兵放弃自己去救更多的人,割腕自杀……汶川大地震发生后的日子里,小编们每天清晨醒来,首先要做的事就是翻看手机报,了解灾区情况的进展。眼泪,就那样顺着眼角一滴滴滑下来。杂志社在第一时间组织募捐,并数次开会研讨、制定救助方案。可遇难同胞的数字怎么还在攀升?我们发现自己的力量是如此微薄。5月19日下午集体默哀,编辑部很多同仁忍不住掩面啜泣。但一幅幅撼动人心的场景让我们坚信:灾难会过去,爱会在这个民族传递起来,且生生不息。在此,编辑部筛选出了一些灾难洗礼下的声音、故事,做成声音篇、故事篇、热议篇。这些,打动了我们。 A child was rescued and waved goodbye to father and mother under the rubble; a grandmother who was pressed in the rubble in his fifties was forced to give up himself to save more people in armed police and cut his wrist to commit suicide ...... Wenchuan University The day after the earthquake, Xiaobian wake up every morning, the first thing to do is to look at the mobile newspaper, to understand the progress of the disaster area. Tears, just like that along the corner of a drop down. The magazine organizes fund-raising in the first place and meets for several times to formulate relief programs. How are the number of surviving compatriots climbing? We find ourselves so modest. On the afternoon of May 19, a collective silence was held and many colleagues in the editorial department could not help but weep. However, a spectacular scene convinced us that the disaster will pass and that love will be transmitted in this nation and that it will be endless. Here, the editorial department has screened out some of the voices and stories under the catastrophe of Christians, making sound articles, story articles, and hot articles. These, touched us.
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