Women’s Fight in The Grapes of Wrath

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dylwq
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  【Abstract】The Grapes of Wrath is one of John Steinbeck’s classic works, through which the writer describes and praises women from various perspectives. The paper aims to dig into three generations of women’s fighting spirit, and unfold their growth history.
  【Key words】perspectives; fighting spirit
  The story happened in the 1930’s, when American society was at a turning point from small-scale peasant economy to agricultural economy. During this period, farmers led a traditional life and men, as the main source of labor and income, held dominating position in the family and women stood behind men and “studied the men’s faces secretly” and judged whether their life would be hopeful or not. However, their life style was broken with tractors coming into their life to replace their labor and they walked on their way of exile and started their struggle for a better life. Women, also walked on their way of fight for freeing themselves and for their dignity.
  1. Grandma’s resistance against Grandpa
  As the first generation of woman in the family, Grandma’s image is briefly depicted but she impressed us deeply with her lively and lovely characteristics with strong rebellious spirit. In the novel, Grandpa tried to “torture her as children torture bugs”, Grandma’s inferior position is clearly disclosed. But Grandma did not yield to her fate and she tried to become “as mean as her husband” and she even “fired both barrels of a shotgun at her husband.” And after that, “he admired her”. From these details, we can see a strong woman who tries to be equal to her husband, the ruler in a patriarchal society.
  2. Ma’s resistance against authorities
  As the second generation of woman, Ma’s status has advanced a lot higher than Grandma. She is powerful in the group and has the last word. But men were still the natural leaders of the family and their solid position was embodied in every detail. For example, when the family was making a discussion, Grandpa, Pa and Uncle John were the nucleus and women had to stay behind. And on the truck, Pa and Uncle John “as befitted the heads of the clan had the honorable seats beside the driver” while Rose of Sharon, the pregnant girl had to stand in the truck bed.
  The first authority Ma resisted against is Pa, the leader of the family. On the way to California, when Mr. Wilson’s car broke down and Pa decided to go further, Ma tried to keep the family together and she stepped in front of Pa and said, “ I ain’t a-gonna go”, which is the public revolt against Pa. In order to show her determination, she even “brought out a jack handle”, she challenged men’s social status and achieved success. The writer stressed women’s big role at a critical moment.   Ma showed her resisting spirit further to the second authority——a cop who called her “Okies”. She was brave enough to take a pot and threatened to attack the man. As a woman, she was fighting for her dignity, her family’s dignity, her people’s dignity. An image of a fearless and courageous woman stands in front of us and invites our immediate admiration due to her great personalities.
  3. Rose of Sharon’s against Connie
  Rose of Sharon is described as an innocent girl, self-centered and filled with unrealistic ideas. She is weak and sensitive, easily influenced by the surroundings. When her husband escaped, she nearly broke down and she cried and complained. Her dependence on her husband Connie caused her to turn from a happy and self-satisfactory girl into a resigned and decadent woman. With the help of Ma, she tried to grow up little by little to be a mature, independent and unselfish girl at the end of the novel, where she fed a middle-aged man with her own milk and became the pride of the mother. Undoubtedly, her growth process is her resistance against her husband’s influence and fight for freeing herself from the patriarchal society.
  4. Conclusion
  In conclusion, the three generations of women, especially Ma and Rose of Sharon are three typical characters successfully created by the writer. They try to grow to be models who symbolize kindness, generosity, braveness, strength and dignity and make their own contribution in the development of the human society. The three generations of women left their own radiance to us, during their fight, like shining stars. Goethe praised women’s greatness, “ Eternal women lead us up.” On the way to a better society, they have become lamps, not only illuminating themselves, but also illuminating us.
  [1]Steinbeck , John, The Grapes of Wrath. Penguin Books, 1992.
【摘要】课堂教学有效性是衡量一堂课的重要指标。从关注聋生的客观差异、尊重其特殊需要出发,在聋校英语课堂上进行分层教学、多角色互动、多方法结合、媒体辅助和活用教材等,优化课堂教学,提高课堂教学实效。  【关键词】聋生;有效教学;教学方法  【作者简介】丁祖保(1967.10-),男,汉族,安徽合肥人,南京特殊教育师范学院,副教授,硕士,研究方向:应用语言学和聋生英语教育。  【基金项目】本文是201
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【摘要】国内大多数学者关注的是拼图式阅读法在小学或高中课堂中的应用研究,本文尝试探讨拼图阅读法在大学英语精读课堂中应用所呈现的优缺点。  【关键词】拼图阅读法;大学英语  【作者简介】 杜文,汉口学院。  近年来,随着国外教学理论的不断引入,国内教学改革的深入,传统的以教师为主体的课堂教学手段被质疑,新型的以学生为主体的小组合作教学模式为国内学者所倡导。拼图阅读法,其形式之一,引起了国内学者的广泛
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【摘要】初中英语词汇量大,学习难度高。对于教师来说,词汇教学既是重点,又是难点。在一定程度上,词汇量影响学生学习英语的能力,影响学生学习英语的信心和兴趣。微课以它形象生动的画面和短小精悍的结构赢得了教育工作者的广泛赞誉。在初中英语词汇教学中引入微课有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效率。  【关键词】微课;初中英语;词汇教学;运用与分析  【作者简介】袁文生(1971.03.15-),汉族,安徽寿
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