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11月1日上午,大兴区森林防火指挥部开展了以“森林防火靠大家,遵章守法我先行”为主题的大型森林防火宣传活动。宣传活动中,区森林防火指挥部办公室展示了关于森林防火知识的展板,向群众发放新的《北京市森林防火办法》的宣传材料。此次宣传活动,全区共发放各种宣传材料2.5万余份,悬挂横幅22条,张贴宣传标语1100余条。 On the morning of November 1, the forest fire prevention headquarters in Daxing District launched a large-scale forest fire prevention campaign with the theme of “Protecting the forest against fire and following the rules and regulations first”. In the propaganda activities, the office of district forest fire prevention headquarters displayed a display panel on the knowledge of forest fire prevention and distributed to the masses a new propaganda material of the “Beijing Municipality on Forest Fire Prevention Measures”. The publicity campaign, the region issued a total of more than 25,000 various promotional materials, hanging banners 22, posted more than 1100 promotional slogans.
为了进一步探讨环胞霉素A (CSA)逆转白血病细胞耐药的机理 ,采用溴化四氮唑兰法(MTT)测定K5 62和K5 62 /ADM白血病细胞系对化疗的体外反应性 ,以脱氧核苷酸末端转移酶介导的
目的 :探讨上叶肺部阴影性质与肺段分布的关系。方法 :复习该院 1981~ 1999年 2 95例纤维支气管镜检查的肺上叶部阴影住院病例。对病变的具体部位与患者年龄、性别以及病理诊
The solutions to the electromagnetic field excited by a long axial current outside a conductive and magnetic cylindrical shell of finite length are studied in t
卢氏县位于豫西伏牛山腹地,横跨长江、黄河两大流域,土地总面积4004平方公里,其中林地417万亩,耕地38万亩,是河南省国土面积最大、林业用地最多、平均海拔最高、人 Lushi Co
2011年3月电子市场景气指数为1050.90,环比下跌0.38%,同比上升5.44%。价格指数为88.85点,环比上升0.3%,同比 The market index of electronic market in March 2011 was 105
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