蒜苔是高档蔬菜,适时采收,妥善保管,可供应全年,获取很好的经济效益。 一、适时采收 据试验,适时采苔的鲜蒜头产量,比未采苔的增产25%以上。采苔早、晚对蒜苔的产量和品质影响很大。河南采苔的时间一般在4月下旬,当蒜苔长出叶鞘7——8厘米,打一个弯,形成钩状时,正是采收适期。一般来讲,采苔应本着“宁早勿晚”,以能抽出为原则。采苔的方法
Garlic is a high-grade vegetables, timely harvesting, safekeeping, available throughout the year, access to good economic returns. First, timely harvest According to the test, timely mining moss fresh garlic production, moss than the increase of more than 25%. Mining moss early and late garlic yield and quality of a great influence. Mining mining time in Henan generally in late April, when the garlic sheath grows 7--8 cm sheath, hit a bend, the formation of a hook, it is the harvest period. In general, mining moss should be based on “rather sooner rather than later” to be able to pull out for the principle. Mining methods