
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisevenk
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2017年,上海市继续做好全国第二批医药卫生体制综合改革省级试点工作,全面推进和落实国家医改试点工作任务。运用“制度+科技”手段,通过大数据建立管理标准,形成数据驱动的绩效评价、资源配置、投入补偿、人事薪酬等管理机制。对社区卫生改革、公立医院改革等医改重点领域改革,同时,开发和应用相应的管理系统,推进医改政策实施和落地。在社区卫生改革方面,开发市、区两级社区卫生综合改革云管理平台和 In 2017, Shanghai Municipality will continue to do a good job in the second batch of provincial-level pilot projects on the comprehensive reform of the medical and health system in the whole country, and comprehensively promote and implement the task of national medical reform pilot projects. The use of “system + technology” means to establish management standards through big data, the formation of data-driven performance evaluation, resource allocation, input compensation, personnel compensation and other management mechanisms. The reform of community health reform, public hospital reform and other key areas of medical reform, at the same time, the development and application of the appropriate management system to promote the implementation of medical reform policies and landing. In community health reform, the development of city and district level community health reform cloud management platform and
陈逸飞简介: 1946生于宁波,浙江镇海人。 1965年毕业于上海美术专科学校,入上海画院油画雕塑创作室。 60-70年代创作了《黄河颂》、《占领总统府》、《踱步》等知名的优秀油
Single crystals of LiY6O5(BO3)3 were obtained by the flux method and its structure was determined by a four-circle automatic diffractometer with a MoKα radiati
Fusain from Tongting (Huaibei, Anhui Province) bituminous (FTTB) coal was fractionally extracted using Soxhlet extractor with CS2. Then the extracts were analyz
病例介绍  患儿女,0.5 h,因重度窒息5 min,呼吸困难半小时入院.系第1胎第1产,胎龄40周,因其母完全性前置胎盘,产前急性大失血(约1500ml),伴晕厥1次急诊入院而剖宫产娩出.产前胎心60~70次/min,羊水清,脐带未见异常。