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随着市场需求的不断变化及我厂生产工艺的日益完善,ZL15装载机逐渐成为我厂的主导产品,生产规模也由小批量向中、大批量过渡。为此,我们设计制造了ZL15装载机零部件的加工工装。本文就该机前车架销孔的加工方法作一简要介绍,着重探讨了前车架销孔镗削专用刀具。1 加工方法的确定目前,装载机前车架销孔的加工方法主要有以下三种:第一种是焊前预加工好销孔,而后用拼点、焊接工装组焊前车架,可保证焊后各销孔的尺寸及位置精度,其特点是机械加工方便,对焊接工装的精度和焊接技术要求较高;第二种是焊前加工好一部份孔,焊后再加工另一部份孔,其特点是加工方便、质量较稳定;第三种是焊后将各孔一次性加工好,特点是各孔的尺寸及位置精度高,但加工难度大,对加工设备和工装要求高,适用于有专用设备和加工中心的厂家采用。 With the ever-changing market demand and the continuous improvement of our factory production process, ZL15 loader has gradually become the leading product of our factory, and the production scale has also been shifted from small batch to middle batch and large batch. To this end, we have designed and manufactured the tooling for the ZL15 loader parts. In this paper, the machine front frame pin hole processing method for a brief introduction, focusing on the front frame pin hole boring tool. A processing method to determine At present, the loader front frame pin hole processing methods are the following three: The first is pre-welded pin hole pre-welding, and then with the fight point, welding tooling welding front frame can be guaranteed After welding the pin hole size and location accuracy, which is characterized by easy machining, precision welding and welding equipment and higher technical requirements; the second is a good part of the hole before welding, welding and then processing another Hole, which is characterized by easy processing, the quality of more stable; the third is the hole after welding one-time processing well, characterized by the hole size and location of high precision, but difficult to process, processing equipment and tooling demanding , Suitable for the use of special equipment and machining center manufacturers.
通过田间药效试验,筛选出了奥绿1号、除尽、杀敌通、抑太保等防治斜纹夜蛾的高效、低毒杀虫剂,建议在生产上推广应用。 Through the field efficacy test, we have screened