
来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renbinf4
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金融系统党委的组建是我国金融体制改革深化的必然结果,农发行系统党委组建后,相应地系统团的建设进入了实施阶段,这是农发行的一项全新工作。笔者结合农发行实际,谈点肤浅的看法。一、农发行系统团建工作面临的困难(一)团员数量少,团组织机构组建难度大。农发行人员大都是从农行划转过来的,由于一些客观原因,28周岁以下人员划转过来的比较少,一般只占10%左右,一个县(市)支行一般也只有2-3人,且新生力量补充的渠道只有每年接收少部分大中专毕业生。这无疑使县(市)支行的基层团组织机构组建无人员基础,有的甚至没有工作对象,难以开展团的工作。(二)一些领导对共青团的工作认识不足。农发行作为政策性银行,收购资金封闭运行工作要求高、任务重,客观上存在一些基层行领导只管事不管人,头脑中主要考虑的是封闭运行工作目标的完成,及本行的业务经营和发展。一些基层领导思想上对团建工作的认识不够,认为团建工作可有可无,即使团的组织机构组建起来,由于领导精力大部分投入封闭运 The formation of the party committee of the financial system is an inevitable result of the deepening of the reform of the financial system in our country. After the establishment of the system party committee of the Agricultural Development Bank, the construction of the syndicate has entered a stage of implementation accordingly. This is a brand-new work of the Agricultural Development Bank. The author combines the actual agricultural development, talk about the superficial view. First, the difficulties faced by the system development of the Agricultural Development Bank League (a) a small number of members, the formation of regimental organizations difficult. Most agricultural issuers are transferred from ABC. Due to some objective reasons, those under 28 years of age transfer relatively few, accounting for only about 10%. A county (city) branch usually only has 2-3 people, and Only a small part of college graduates are accepted annually by the Forces nouvelles. This will undoubtedly make the grassroots organizations of counties (cities) sub-branches unmanned and some do not even have work targets, making it difficult to carry out their work. (B) Some leaders lack understanding of the work of the CYL. Agricultural Bank of China as a policy bank, the acquisition of funds required for closed operations, heavy tasks, there are objectively there are some grassroots level leaders just do not care about people, the mind of the main consideration is the completion of closed operations objectives, and the Bank’s business operations and development of. Some grassroots leaders do not have enough understanding of the CYL construction work. They think that the CYL building work is dispensable. Even if the CYL organization is formed, most of the leadership is devoted to closure
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1990,年10月,我校党委参照北京市高校党建研究会工作计划,结合我校实际情况,成立了党建研究组。经过七年来党 In 1990, in October, our party committee established the
我承认,我曾是校园霸凌者。事情从哪里说起呢?  我小时候,班里绝大多数都是北京孩子。有一位借读生,安徽人,家住在学校食堂旁边的小房子里。我和一帮同学经常欺负他。他不太机灵,说话有口音,面对老师的提问总是吞吞吐吐。而我那时候,好像还挺受老师待见的。  那时候,班主任是一位年轻姑娘,二十五六岁的模样,长得漂亮,脾气不小,吼起来能把我们吓哭。随便一位同学,不分男女,都可能因为一份通知单忘记给家长签字,或