Synthesis and characterization of lower generation broom molecules

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Wang_Sheng
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Dendritic molecules with dodecyl groups as the hyperbranchs were synthesized in methanol by Michael addition with dodecylamine and methyl acrylate as raw materials.This new-type dendritic molecules were called vividly“broom molecules”in this report.The surface tension of the aqueous solution of broom molecule terminated amino group was measured by using the drop- volume method.The demulsification performance of the broom molecules for the oil/water(O/W)simulated crude oil emulsion was examined.The experimental results revealed that,as a new-type of surfactants,the broom molecules terminated amino groups showed demulsification for the O/W simulated crude oil emulsion. Dendritic molecules with dodecyl groups as the hyperbranchs were synthesized in methanol by Michael addition with dodecylamine and methyl acrylate as raw materials. This new-type dendritic molecules were called vividly “broom molecules ” in this report. The surface tension of the aqueous solution. of broom molecule terminated amino group was measured by using the drop-volume method.The demulsification performance of the broom molecules for the oil / water (O / W) simulated crude oil emulsion was examined.The experimental results revealed that, as a new- type of surfactants, the broom molecules terminated amino groups showed demulsification for the O / W simulated crude oil emulsion.
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太阳  飘着流苏的 金色的圆号  在东方吹响  山山岭岭 沟沟谷谷  沉睡了一冬  忙着起床了  浓雾折好了被子  湖水推开了门窗  葡萄披上紫色的甲胄  河流则忙着刷自己的牙齿  远处  一片朦朦胧胧  若隐若现的绿  慢慢地  走近了  看清了  那是一根根  刚露出脑袋尖儿的  小草们集体的亮相  我真想狂奔过去躺下  嗅一嗅  小草的味道  听一听  小草的蜜语  摸一摸小草的眉眼  然而
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