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苏州为文化名城,历史悠久,在古城区有为数众多的木结构房屋.近年,虽经大规模的危旧房改造,砖木结构房屋越来越少,但仍占有很大的比重.其中,更有许多具有较高保护价值的建筑.如虎丘、四大名园、明清古建筑群等等.如何尽量减缓自然损坏,长期保存这些本结构建筑,是许多学者都在研究的.木结构建筑的安全鉴定是其中有待研究的课题之一.1 鉴别房屋木构件腐烂的几种方法(着重注意区分木材初期腐烂还是霉、变色菌的寄生)变色菌并不分解木材物质本身,或仅轻微损害木材,它们从边材细胞中得到养分,基本上不破坏细胞壁,因而木材强度的损失较少;腐朽真菌在木材中由菌丝分泌酵素,破坏细胞壁,造成木结构强度下降,是引起木材腐烂的真正原因,故应尽早发现腐朽真菌,采取措施,阻止真菌的进一步繁殖. Suzhou is a cultural city with a long history. There are numerous wooden houses in the ancient city. In recent years, despite the renovation of large-scale dilapidated houses, there have been fewer and fewer brick and wood houses, but they still occupy a large proportion. There are many buildings with high conservation value. Such as Tiger Hill, the four famous gardens, ancient buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and so on. How to minimize natural damage, long-term preservation of these structures, many scholars are studying. The safety appraisal of a building is one of the topics to be studied.1 Several methods of identifying the decay of wooden components of a house (emphasis on distinguishing wood from decay in the early stages, or parasites of mold and discoloration). The discoloration bacteria do not decompose the wood material itself, or only slightly Damage wood, they get nutrients from the sapwood cells, basically do not damage the cell wall, so less loss of wood strength; decaying fungi secrete enzymes in the wood by the mycelium, destroy the cell wall, resulting in decreased wood structure strength, is caused by wood decay The real reason is that decaying fungi should be found as soon as possible and measures should be taken to prevent the further propagation of the fungus.
数学是思维的体操,因此教与学都有一定的难度。长期以来教师教得费劲,学生学得吃力。于是人们都认为是学科特点使然。最近听了一些数学课,发觉数师在教学中教学省却了华 Mat
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