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众所周知,建国之初,浙江昆苏剧团据清朱素臣同名传奇改编的昆剧《十五贯》在北京一炮打响,轰动全国,被周总理誉为“一个戏救活了一个剧种”,并留下了“满城尽说《十五贯》”的佳话。50年后,浙江永昆剧团据南戏同名剧作改编的《张协状元》于2000年4月在苏州举办的首届昆剧节上同样一炮打响,一举获得五项大奖,被誉为“一个戏救活了永昆”,也留下了“满城尽说《张协状元》”的佳传。这一历史的巧合并非偶然,个中自然有诸多原因,但首要的因素是由于这两次剧本改编均获得特别的成功使然。同时也不难看出,《十五贯》改编的成功经验无疑给《张》剧的改编以诸多有益的启示与借鉴,改编本在尊重原著的前提下所作的“注入现代意识”、 “删繁就简”、 “力求创新”等方面的追求,均与《十五贯》改编不谋而合。笔者有幸在苏州先睹为快,近又拜读了改编者张烈先生亲自赠阅的改定本,现就其主要的成功之处略陈鄙见, As we all know, at the beginning of the founding of New China, the Kunqu Opera “Zhejiang Fifteen Guanzhong”, based on the legend of the same name of Zhu Su-chen, was started in Beijing by a Kunqu opera company in Zhejiang Province. It was sensationalized throughout the country and was praised by Premier Zhou as “a play and drama that survived” “City to say” fifteen consistent “” story. Fifty years later, Zhejiang Yongkun Theater was renamed as “Zhang Xie Zhuanyuan” in the same name by Nanxiu Opera. In April 2000, the first Kunju Opera Festival was held in Suzhou and won five awards. It was praised as “ Live in Yongkun ”, also left a“ good news of the city to say ”Zhang Xie champion“ ”“. This historical coincidence is not accidental. There are many natural reasons for this. However, the primary factor is the extraordinary success of these two adaptations. At the same time, it is also not hard to see that the successful experience of the adaptation of the ”fifteen principles“ undoubtedly provided many useful inspiration and reference to the adaptation of the ”Zhang“ drama, and adapted ”the injection of modern consciousness“ and ”simplification and simplification“ under the premise of respecting the original. , ”Strive for innovation“ and other aspects of the pursuit, all with ”fifteen consistent" adapted coincide. I was fortunate enough to give a preview in Suzhou, I recently read the editor who personally edited the book, Mr. Zhang Lie, and changed my mind about the main points of success.
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