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目的报道并分析1例疼痛患者使用吗啡缓释片直肠给药镇痛过程中出现蓄积中毒的不良反应。方法采用病例报告的形式并结合药品使用说明书进行分析。结果吗啡缓释片说明书上并未有直肠给药途径,该患者使用吗啡缓释片塞肛属于超说明书用药。结论在临床中不推荐吗啡缓控释制剂作为直肠给药,如果无法避免需要使用该途径时,也应从小剂量开始逐渐增加剂量,尤其老年患者,应更加谨慎使用。 Objective To report and analyze 1 case of pain patients using morphine sustained-release tablets rectal administration of accumulation of poisoning during the adverse reaction. Methods The form of case report was used in combination with the drug instruction manual. The results of morphine sustained-release tablets instructions there is no rectal route of administration, the patient using morphine sustained-release plug anal is super manual medication. Conclusions In clinical practice, it is not recommended that morphine sustained-release preparations be administered rectally. If this route can not be avoided, the dose should be gradually increased from a small dose. In particular, elderly patients should be treated with caution.
1956年1月3日报告收悉。同意你省將宿縣專員公署和滁縣專員公署合并,成立蚌埠專員公署;徽州專員公署和蕪湖專員公署合并,仍称蕪湖專員公署。 January 3, 1956 report recei
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A three-dimensional mathematical model using volume-of-fluid method is developed to investigate the heat transfer,fluid flow and keyhole dynamics during electro
办字第934号1958年9月13日接国务院9月5日议字第60号文复称:“决定撤销铜陵县,将其所属行政区域全部并入铜官山市,并将铜官山市改名为铜陵市”。希即遵照执行。 Letter No.