名品荟萃 百菊争香——第七届中国(南京)菊花展览会在宁举行

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2001年10月26日上午,绵绵秋雨中的南京玄武湖愈加迷人,由中国风景园林学会和南京市人民政府联合主办的第七届中国(南京)菊花品种展览会在此拉开帷幕。数万游客冒雨从四面八方涌向玄武湖公园,以先睹“菊花奥运会”盛景。开幕式在公园樱洲北草坪举行,中国风景园林学会常务副理事长甘伟林、中国公园协会会长柳尚华、江苏省建设厅厅长黄卫、中共南京市委常委、南 On the morning of October 26, 2001, the Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing is more and more charming in the autumn rain. The 7th China (Nanjing) Chrysanthemum Variety Exhibition jointly sponsored by the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government was opened here. Tens of thousands of tourists flocked to Xuanwu Lake Park from all directions to witness the spectacular “Chrysanthemum Olympics”. The opening ceremony was held in the park Yingzhao North Lawn. Gan Weilin, executive vice chairman of China Landscape Architecture Society, Liu Shanghua, president of China National Park Association, Huang Wei, director of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction, member of Nanjing Municipal Committee of CPC,
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