
来源 :东北水利水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huweiguangkaka
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察尔森水库是洮儿河上唯一的控制性骨干工程.水库总库容12.53亿m3,其中防洪库容为3.11亿m3。水库原设计为补偿调节方式,但由于客观条件的限制,在近期内难以实施.根据水库的实际情况,确定水库近期洪水调度暂按两级限泄控制运行,5年保民堤,20年保国堤,防洪标准为20年。这一方案存在的问题;一是不能为下游错峰.二是如出现50年一遇洪水,则严重威协下游引水枢纽建筑物的防洪安全,三是如遇50年一遇以上洪水,则是下游桥梁的行洪安全无法保障。察尔森水库远景洪水调度方案构想是①实现实镇区间水情自动测报系统,改善对外通讯条件。②完成堤防的加固加高工程,提高下游堤防的防洪标准。 Chalson Reservoir is the only controlled backbone project on Tuaner River. The total reservoir capacity of 1.253 billion m3, of which flood control capacity of 311 million m3. The reservoir was originally designed to compensate for the adjustment mode, but due to the objective conditions, it is difficult to implement in the near future. According to the actual conditions of the reservoir, it is determined that the recent flood control of the reservoir will be controlled temporarily by two levels of limit discharge, with the embankment maintained for 5 years and the embankment maintained for 20 years. The flood control standard is 20 years. The problem of this program; one can not be the wrong peak downstream. Second, in the event of 50-year floods, the flood control safety of the water diversion hubs at the lower reaches of the Wei-Wei Association will be seriously affected. Thirdly, in the event of floods once or more than 50 years, the flood-safety of downstream bridges can not be guaranteed. The vision of the flood control program of the Tarzan Reservoir is to: ① Realize the automatic water regime measurement and reporting system for the real town and improve the conditions for external communications. ② to complete the embankment reinforcement and increase the project to improve the flood control standards for the lower embankment.
人们在经商做生意过程中 ,难免会遇到一些与经商有着“直接”或“间接”联系的领域。对此 ,不同的商家所持有的态度不尽相同。一般的商人只关注“直接”两字 ,不顾及“间接”
We report experimental progress in weakening the frequency difference lock-in phenomenon in a Y-shaped cavity dual-frequency laser. A cube coil pair is chosen t