Teen Dies After Prized Fish Stuck in Throat

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柬埔寨的一个小孩在河里活捉了一条小鱼,不慎,小鱼一个挣扎,从小孩手中滑脱,结果落到小孩嘴中,卡在喉咙,小孩因此不治身亡。Accidents canhappen at any time.是文末的慨叹。文虽短,但有两个语言难点。一是标题中的形容词prized如何理解?prize有“捕获”的意思,如:The ship was prized for vio-lating neutrality./那艘船因违犯中立而被捕获。如此理解也许不对,分析请读文内注释;二是文中出现where it became stuck because of barbs running down itsback.这里的barb有“鱼钩”的意思,但是,根据上下文,大概也不能如此理解,如何理解也请看文内注释。读者若有不同看法,可发email给我们。 A child in Cambodia caught a small fish live in the river. Inadvertently, the fish struggled and slipped from the child’s hands. The child fell into his throat and stuck in his throat. The child died. Accidents canhappen at any time. Although the text is short, there are two language difficulties. One is the adjective prized in the title How to understand?Prize has the meaning of “capture”, such as: The ship was prized for vio-lating neutrality./ The ship was captured for violating neutrality. It may be wrong to understand this way. Please read the comments in the text. Second, there is a meaning in the text where it became stuck because of barbs running down itsback. Here the barb has the meaning of “fish hook”. However, depending on the context, it may not be so understandable. To understand, please see the note in the text. If readers have different opinions, they can send us an email.
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