加强管理 合理布局 积极支持农副产品深加工——对富平面粉加工企业生产情况的调查

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富平县地处关中腹地,土地肥沃,是传统的农业大县,是国家重点扶持的商品粮基地县之一,全县118万亩耕地,小麦面积约90万亩,年产小麦2.25亿公斤左右,除完成国家征购任务之外,流入国家规定的市场购销商品粮1.3亿公斤。由于自然条件优越,小麦品质优良,杂质含量、水份含量低于国家标准,粉色高于国家标准粉样,细度达到54全通,面筋质达25%左右,因此该县面粉市场不断扩大,面粉加工企业迅猛发展,已成为该县农副产品加工项目的龙头产业。为了摸清底子,做到支持农村三产业心中有数,我们组织力量对全县面粉加工业进行了调查。现将调查情况汇报如下: 一、基本情况 随着科学技术的发展,人们物质生活水平的不断提高,小麦面粉的加工生产越来越趋向商品化、工业化、系列化、多元化、规模化。社会需求量也越来越大,范围越来越广,花色品种越来越多。党的十一届三中全会以来,富平县私营、集体、股份、合伙、全民面粉加工业快速发展,经济效益显著。 一是从规模看,复式气压磨粉机3家,其中粮食局系统2家,乡镇企业1家;卧式磨粉机9组式全县大约6家;五组式以上全县大约50多家;小型钢辊磨粉机全县约800多家。 二是从性质看:全民办面粉厂8家;股份合作加工厂1家;集体名义办的面粉加工厂10多家;私营、个体办面粉厂全县约900家(包? Fuping County is located in the hinterland of Guanzhong and has fertile land. It is a traditional agricultural county and is one of the country’s key commodity grain base counties. It has 1.18 million mu of arable land and 800,000 acres of wheat, with an annual output of 225 million kilograms of wheat. In addition to the completion of the country’s procurement tasks, the inflow into the national market for the purchase and sale of 130 million kilograms of commodity food. Due to superior natural conditions, high quality wheat, impurity content, moisture content lower than the national standard, pink is higher than the national standard powder sample, fineness of 54 all-pass, gluten quality of about 25%, so the county flour market continues to expand, The rapid development of flour processing enterprises has become the leading industry in the county’s agricultural and sideline products processing projects. In order to understand the foundation and make sure that the support of the rural tri- industries is well-known, we have organized our efforts to investigate the county’s flour processing industry. The survey is now reported as follows: First, the basic situation With the development of science and technology, people’s material living standards continue to increase, wheat flour processing and production are increasingly becoming commercialization, industrialization, serialization, diversification, and scale. The demand for society is also growing, the scope is getting wider and wider, and there are more and more varieties. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the private-owned, collective, shareholding, partnership, and all-people flour processing industries have developed rapidly in Fuping County with significant economic benefits. First, from the perspective of scale, there are three complex air-pressure pulverizers, including two grain bureaus and one township enterprise; six horizontal pulverizers in all 9 counties; more than 50 counties in five counties or more Small steel mills have about 800 counties in the county. Second, from the perspective of nature: 8 privately-owned flour mills, 1 joint-stock processing factory, 10 collectively-owned flour processing plants, and private, individual-owned flour mills with about 900 counties (including?
我公司是十年前由天府之国的一个上万人的国营建筑公司选出 25人组成的小分队,进驻特区发展起来的。从贷款5万元起家,发展到今天已拥有资产500多万元,专业技工120多人,能运用