Scholar Plays an Active Role on International Diplomatic Stage

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ON more than one occasion, Professor Yuan Ming has been mistaken for a man. It isn’t her appearance, but her high status in academe that confuses people. Yuan, 48, is president of the International Relations Research Institute of Beijing University, managing council member of the China Institute for Study of the United States, council member of the International Strategic Foundation of China and vice-director of the AsianPacific Research Center of Beijing University. Many people who had only heard of Yuan took it for granted that she was an It is not her appearance, but her high status in academe that confuses people. Yuan, 48, is president of the International Relations Research Institute of Beijing University, managing council member of the China Institute for Study of the United States, council member of the International Strategic Foundation of China and vice-director of the AsianPacific Research Center of Beijing University. Many people who had only heard of Yuan took it for granted that she was an
《普通高中语文课程标准》(实验)不仅仅具有指导教学的价值,对高考也有重要的指导意义.自课标颁布以来,高考语文命题一直秉承“立德树人” “以文化人”“育才成人”的方向,
  目的 探讨应用中医药治疗中晚期前列腺癌的实际临床疗效.方法 随访分析近5年来我院住院的209例中晚期前列腺癌患者的资料,观察应用中医扶正抑瘤法治疗前列腺癌患者向激素
“国仔”、“军仔”,这是广东球迷对彭伟国和比他小3岁的弟弟彭伟军的爱称。 众所周知,彭伟国以其出色的球艺入选亚运足球最佳阵容后.又获1994年度中国足球金球奖,而他的弟