Investigation of salinity impacts on germination and growth of two forest tree species at seedling s

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iflytekmilk
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Soil salinity is becoming an increasingly serious constraint to plant growth in many parts of the world; this is particularly common in semi-arid and arid zones.This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of salt on seed germination and seedling growth of Acacia albida and A.salicina.Collected seeds were treated with H2SO498% for 35 min then left to germinate in a controlled growth chamber.Seeds were grown at salinity levels of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mol L-1of NaH2PO4.H2O.Germination parameters and seedling growth indices were measured after 35 days.The mean of total length of A.salicina in all salinity concentrations was more than that of A.albida.The fresh weight of stem and root of A.albida was more than that of A.salicina.Growth of control seedlings was higher than for other treatments and the fresh weight of stems of two species at salt concentrations of 0.2 and 0.3mol L-1decreased with increasing concentration of salt.Most control seeds germinated at salinity of 0.1 mol L-1and germination index, final germination and seeds stamina was greater at low levels of salinity. Soil salinity is becoming an increasingly serious constraint to plant growth in many parts of the world; this is particularly common in semi-arid and arid zones. This study was undertaking to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of salt on seed germination and seedling growth of Acacia albida and A. salicina.Collected seeds were treated with H2SO49% for 35 min then left to germinate in a controlled growth chamber. Seeds were grown at salinity levels of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mol L-1 of NaH2PO4.H2O. Germination parameters and seedling growth indices were measured after 35 days. the mean of total length of A. salicina in all salinity concentrations was more than that of A.albida.The fresh weight of stem and root of A.albida was more than that of A.salicina . Growth of control seedlings was higher than for other treatments and the fresh weight of stems of two species at salt concentrations of 0.2 and 0.3 mol L-1 debased with increasing concentration of salt. Most control seeds germinated at sal inity of 0.1 mol L-1 germination index, final germination and seeds stamina was greater at low levels of salinity.
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摘要 紫砂壶琳琅满目,让人应不暇接,而当代的紫砂作品设计更是精益求精,每件作品不但内涵丰富、主题明确,还具有很高的审美价值,具有吉祥蕴意的紫砂壶更是受到了广大爱好者的青睐,现以紫砂“呈祥壶”为例,谈谈壶器中的艺术价值。  关键词 呈祥壶;紫砂;艺术价值  中国是茶叶的故乡,自古国人就有着沏茶、赏茶、闻茶、饮茶、品茶的嗜好,形成了博大精深的茶文化。沏茶当然离不开茶壶,使用紫砂壶泡茶,不吸茶香,茶色不