
来源 :中国建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lishuangjie2009
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粉煤灰硅酸盐密实砌块(简称粉煤灰砌块)、20孔承重空心粘土砖,在上海地区推广应用已经20多年了,显示了很强的生命力。回顾这两种材料的推广过程,总结经验,对于发展其他新型材料会有一定的参考作用。粉煤灰砌块的原料是粉煤灰、石灰、石膏和煤渣骨料,主规格为88×38×24厘米,还有1/2、1/3和1/4三种辅助规格。上海市从五十年代中期开始试验,1959年建成砌块试验生产线,1962年建成了上海硅酸盐制品厂砌块车间,设计能力18万立方米。1979年以后,年产量已超过设计能力,产品成本低于同期的粘土砖,标号稳定在100号以上,合格率在90%以上。由于这种砌块深受设计、施工单位的 Fly ash silicate dense blocks (referred to as fly ash blocks), 20-hole load-bearing hollow clay bricks have been popularized and applied in Shanghai for more than 20 years, showing strong vitality. Reviewing the promotion process of these two materials and summing up experience will provide some reference for the development of other new materials. The raw materials of fly ash blocks are fly ash, lime, gypsum, and coal ash aggregates. The main specifications are 88×38×24 cm, and there are 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 three auxiliary specifications. Shanghai began testing in the mid-fifties and completed a block test production line in 1959. In 1962, it built a Shanghai Silicate Product Factory block workshop with a design capacity of 180,000 cubic meters. After 1979, the annual output has exceeded the design capacity, the product cost is lower than the clay bricks of the same period, the number of the products is stable above 100, and the pass rate is above 90%. Due to the fact that such blocks are deeply designed and constructed by
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