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作为时下最热门、最被看好的IT技术之一,嵌入式领域的飞速发展无疑是最为引人关注的事件之一。2008年9月25日,由中电网和RTC集团共同主办的“2008年国际嵌入式巡展(RTECC)”结束了在北京、上海、成都、西安四地的巡展,在一片人声鼎沸之中落下帷幕。在本次巡展中,众多在嵌入式领域占据主导地位的厂家纷纷展示了最新的产品和技术、推广公司的核心理念,力图通过与参会工程师的互动,推动公司在行业中的深入发展。本次巡展为大家提供了一个推广产品、技术、解决方案、营销理念的平台,让更多的目标客户有机会了解到他们的优势,帮助企业在竞争中占据有利的位置。基于中国工业经济的蓬勃发展,与会的厂商普遍表达了对于中国嵌入式市场的乐观预期。面对我们的采访,他们各抒己见,以其独到的见解诠释他们对于嵌入式产品、技术和市场的理解,不断挖掘公司的潜在实力,拓宽产品的应用领域。作为嵌入式领域的重要成员,正是由于他们的不断努力,才有了嵌入式技术蓬勃发展的今天。如今的嵌入式技术早已今非昔比,正如GE Fanuc智能设备的技术部经理马越所说,嵌入式的概念已经有了很大的扩展,已经不再局限于电子行业,它已经渗透到我们生活的各个角落。但科技的发展永无止境,未来嵌入式领域的精英们还会为我们带来哪些惊喜,让我们拭目以待。 As one of the hottest and most promising IT technologies nowadays, the rapid development of embedded field is undoubtedly one of the most interesting events. On September 25, 2008, “RTECC 2008” co-hosted by China Power Grid and RTC Group ended the tour of Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Xi’an. In the curtain. In this tour, a large number of manufacturers who dominate the embedded field have demonstrated the latest products and technologies to promote the company’s core concepts, and strive to promote the company’s further development in the industry through interaction with participating engineers. This tour provides us with a platform to promote products, technologies, solutions and marketing ideas so that more target customers will have the opportunity to understand their advantages and help them occupy a favorable position in the competition. Based on the vigorous development of China’s industrial economy, the participating manufacturers generally expressed optimistic expectations about the embedded market in China. In the face of our interview, they each expressed their own views, with their unique insights to explain their understanding of embedded products, technologies and markets, continue to tap the company’s potential strength and broaden the product applications. As an important member of the embedded field, it is precisely because of their continuous efforts, only the vigorous development of embedded technology today. Today’s embedded technology is no longer the same, as the technology manager at GE Fanuc Intelligent Devices, Ma Yue said, the concept of embedded has been greatly expanded, is no longer confined to the electronics industry, it has infiltrated us Every corner of life. But the development of science and technology is endless. In the future, the elites in the embedded field will bring us some surprises, let us wait and see.
1.《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》(以下简称《科普法》)于2002年( )通过,自公布之日起施行。 A.6月29日 B.5月16日 C.3月18日 2.为了实施科教兴国战略和可持续发展战略,
2007年是中国企业不断突破自己。“中国因素”么不断影响世界的一年,也是国外知名企业不断做大做强的一年。不论是国内还是国外的企业,都取得了丰厚的凹报,完美收官。 2007