马拉维湖慈鲷专题之 多彩的孔雀类马鲷

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上世纪90年代美国迪士尼公司一行来到非洲的危地马拉采风,运筹将莎士比亚的巨作《哈姆雷特》改编为动画片《狮子王》。在踏上那片炙热而富有活力的土地的一刹那,音乐人Elton john随即用颤抖的手写下了Circle of life。后来就有了震撼的片头曲《生生不息》。我想去那遥远的非洲,看一看那里的天和树,亲耳听一听非洲的鼓声,还要真实感受那歌声。直到我看到了非洲慈鲷,他们强健、绚丽、富于变化、充满活力。看他们在水族箱中是如何地游弋、格斗、恋爱、繁衍。我似乎看到了在广阔草原上奔跑的斑马和跳动的羚羊;看到了马赛人健美的身躯在蒿草间闪烁;看到了狮群如何追逐着角马;看到了新落生的动物如何坚强地长大。非洲是那样的古老,它是孕育生命的摇篮;非洲是那样的年轻,生活在那片土地上的人、兽、鱼、草都激情四溢。你看那些各式各样的慈鲷吧,他们不但在水族箱中认真地生活着,还产生了特有的“社会”和“阶级”。这就是生命,这就是值得歌颂的生命,他是奔跑的、跳跃的、游弋的、发展进步的。我们要歌颂生命,歌颂生命的伟大,歌颂生生不息。本文作者吴勐,北京师范大学经济类硕士。因痴迷于水族的世界,于2003年开设北京碧程水族,5年多来,从主要经营范围到关注焦点,慈鲷一直是其中的重要部分。已在不同水族期刊发表十数篇文章和译稿。内心深处的梦想,一是希望能通过自己的努力,把充满魅力的非洲慈鲷介绍给更多的朋友,使非洲慈鲷早日成为观赏鱼类里占据重要地位的一部分。二是有一天能抛下杂务,到东非的坦湖、马湖亲身感受热带艳阳暖风,和所热爱的鱼零距离接触、把水下原生的美景美鱼拍摄回来。在今年的杂志里他将连续作客慈鲷靓影板块,和大家一起聊聊慈鲷的事。 90s of last century, the United States Disney Company and his entourage came to Africa’s Guatemala to collect the wind, and made plans to transform Shakespeare’s masterpiece “Hamlet” into an animated film “The Lion King.” At the moment he set foot on the hot and lively land, musician Elton john then wrote Circle of life with a trembling hand. Then there is a shocking lead song “endless.” I want to go to that distant Africa, take a look at the trees and trees there, listen to the drums in Africa and listen to the songs. Until I saw African cichlids, they were strong, gorgeous, varied and energetic. See how they cruise in the aquarium, fighting, love, multiply. I seem to have seen the zebras running around the broad prairie and the beating antelopes; I have seen the body of the Masai body flashing among the haymocks; how the lions chased the wildebeests; and how the new born animals were strong and long Big. Africa is such an ancient, it is the cradle of life; Africa is so young, people living on the land, animals, fish, grass are passionate. Look at all kinds of cichlids. They not only live in the aquarium conscientiously, they also produce their own “social” and “class”. This is life. This is a worthy life. He is running, jumping, cruising and developing. We want to sing life, sing the greatness of life, sing endless life. The author of this article Wu Meng, Beijing Normal University, Master of Economics. Because of its obsession with the world of aquariums, Beijing Aquarium was opened in 2003. Over the past 5 years, cichlids have always been an important part of the business from its main business scope to its focus. Ten different articles and translations have been published in different periodicals. My deepest dream is to try my best to introduce charismatic African cichlids to more friends and to make African cichlid an important part of ornamental fish as early as possible. Second, one day can throw aside chores, to East Africa’s Tan Lake, Lake Ma personally feel the warm tropical sun, and the love of fish close contact, the beauty of the underwater beauty of mermaid shooting back. In this year’s magazine, he will be a regular guest cicadas Liang Ying plate, and everyone to talk about cichlid thing.
一、三角公式的变形三角公式是灵活多变的,略举一、二,以示一斑.例1.由sin~2x+cos~2x=1可得:i)sin~2x=1-cos~2x=(1+cos) First, the triangular formula of the deformatio
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