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开放式基金的即将推出无疑是今年中国股市的一件大事,一些专业人士认为:开放式基金的推出将大大增强我国股市机构投资者的力量,改变我国股市投资者以中小散户为主的不 The upcoming launch of open-end funds is undoubtedly a major event in the Chinese stock market this year. Some professionals think that the introduction of open-end funds will greatly enhance the power of institutional investors in the stock market in our country and will not change the major investors in our country’s stock market from small and medium-sized retail investors.
We predict enhanced laser cooling performance of rare-earth-ions-doped glasses containing nanometre-sized ultrafine particles, which can be achieved by the enha
We have prepared the β-Ga2Oa nanofibres by electrospinning method followed by calcining in air at 900℃. The morphology and structure of the nanofibres are cha
The ultraviolet emission line at 3.315eV is observed at 8K in ZnO polycrystallne films and investigated by temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectra and c
Acceleration of ions from ultrathin foils irradiated by intense circularly polarized laser pulses is investigated using a one-dimensional particle-in-cell code.
Employing the technique of symmetry reduction of analytic method,we solve the Ginzburg-Landau equation with varying nonlinear,dispersion,gain coefficients,and g
High-quality three-dimensional polystyrene opal photonic crystals are fabricated by vertical deposition method.The transmission properties with different incide
We demonstrate a photonic crystal hetero-waveguide based on silicon-on-insulator (SO1) slab, consisting of two serially connected width-reduced photonic crystal
We investigate the influence of gamma-ray irradiation on the absorption and fluorescent spectra of Nd3+ : Y3Al5O12 (Nd:YAG) and Yb3+ :Y3Al5O12 (Yb:YAG) crystals
Mechanism of thermal conductivity of nanofluids is analysed and calculated, including Brownian motion effects, particle agglomeration and viscosity, together in