
来源 :农田水利与水土保持利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caacmis487
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毛主席说:“按照实际情况决定工作方针,这是一切共产党员所必须牢牢记住的最基本的工作方法”。木厂埠灌溉试验站的同志,起初搞试验,由于对灌溉试验作为农业增产服务的目的不明确,既不去调查当地农业生产情况,也不向群众学习,闭门造车地在小块田地里“埋头”搞起试验来。结果是脱离实际,工作辛辛苦苦,遭遇却是冷冷清清,群众避而远之,在生产士没起啥作用。第二年,他们接受了失败的教训,深入调查研究,向农民求教,找到了灌溉用水上的关键问题(消灭串灌漫灌),跳出了关门试验的圈子,和群众结合起来搞试验田、样板田,结果效果很好,增了产,受到群众的欢迎,邻近社、队也找士门来要求帮助,并且由此还在当地掀起了一个以消灭串灌漫灌为目的的水利工程配套运动。从木厂埠灌溉试验站的变化可以看出:脱离当前、当地生产,走不出试验站的小天地,不与群众结合搞试验,搞来搞去还是冷冷清清,路子越走越窄,反之,高举毛泽东思想伟大红旗,面向群众,面向生产,面向实际,就能够收到显著效果,受到群众的拥护,路子越走越宽,为农业增产做出更大贡献。 Chairman Mao said: “The principle of working according to the actual situation is the most basic working method that all communists must keep firmly in mind.” At the beginning of the experiment, comrades at the Muchang Port Irrigation Experimental Station did not study the local agricultural production nor did they learn from the masses because of the unclear purpose of irrigation experiments as an agricultural stimulation service. In the small fields, Buried "to experiment. The result is that it is out of practice, it is hard and painstaking to work hard, its experience is deserted and the masses avoid it. In the following year, they accepted the lessons of failure, conducted thorough investigations and studies, sought help from farmers, found key issues on irrigation water (eliminating floods and floods), broke the circle of closed tests, and experimented with experimental fields and model fields . The result was very good, increased production, welcomed by the masses, and neighboring communities and teams also sought out help from others. As a result, a water conservancy project supporting campaign aimed at eliminating flooding was also started. It can be seen from the changes of the irrigation station in Muchang Port: From the present, the local production, can not walk out of the small sites of the experimental station, do not engage in experiments with the masses, engage in or deserted, the path is narrower and narrower, on the contrary, Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong Thought, face the masses, face production, and be realistic. We will receive remarkable results and will be supported by the masses. The path will be wider and wider, making greater contributions to increasing agricultural output.
A 型泵是一种被世界各国早已广泛采用的喷油泵。如英国福克森—27拖拉机 BPE4A60S120喷油泵、日本五十铃 TD72LC 汽车NP—PE 6:A908312喷油泵、美国约翰迪尔4440拖拉机 PES6