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随着我国改革开放的不断开展和深入,国际竞争力的不断增强,我国经济在国际中的地位越来越突出,这种傲人成就其中自然是少不了中小企业的功劳。中小企业是指注册资本、运营规模及盈利能力等多方面达不到大型企业标准的企业,是我国企业类型的重要补充和基本构成元素,为稳定我国经济的发展和繁荣、增强我国的国际竞争力发挥了不容小觑的重要作用。然而,我国中小企业的发展还存在诸多方面的问题,其中中小企业财务管理方面存在的问题尤为突出。本文将从我国中小企业财务管理的现状入手,分析我国中小企业财务管理上存在的问题,进而针对性提出合理建议。近几年,我国经济经历了高速增长的阶段,尤其是我国中小企业的发展,为推动我国经济发展做出了不容忽视的重要作用,在国民经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位。但是日渐突出的中小企业财务管理问题日益暴露,引起了社会各界的高度重视,要想维持我国经济长久发展,就必须对我国中小企业财务管理做出调整和规范。下面我们将从我国中小企业财务管理目前现状出发,对其存在的问题进行细细分析,为解决我国中小企业财务管理存在的问题提出合理建议。 With the continuous development of China’s reform and opening up and the continuous enhancement of its international competitiveness, the status of China’s economy in the world is becoming more and more prominent. Such achievements are naturally the merit of SMEs. Small and medium-sized enterprises refer to enterprises that fail to meet the standards of large-scale enterprises in terms of registered capital, operational scale and profitability. They are an important complement to and basic elements of the type of enterprises in our country. In order to stabilize the economic development and prosperity of our country and enhance our international competitiveness Force played an important role not to be underestimated. However, there are still many problems in the development of SMEs in our country. Among them, the problems in the financial management of SMEs are particularly serious. This article will start with the current situation of financial management of SMEs in our country, analyze the problems existing in the financial management of SMEs in our country, and then put forward reasonable suggestions pertinently. In recent years, the economy of our country has experienced a period of rapid growth. In particular, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country has played an important role that can not be ignored in promoting our country’s economic development and has played an important role in the development of the national economy. However, the increasing prominence of SME financial management problems has aroused great attention from all walks of life. If we want to maintain the long-term development of our economy, we must make adjustments and regulations to the financial management of SMEs in our country. Below we will start from the current status of financial management of SMEs in China, a detailed analysis of its existing problems, to solve the problems of SME financial management in our country put forward reasonable suggestions.
摘要:“发霉大米”事件值得我们深入反思:万物与人本是同根生,本应同是善的形式,奈何人与自然万物相去甚远?人逐渐背离了自然本善,失去了善念、善心,而变成了纯粹的、陌生的社会人。我们应该抛却尘世的浮华,找回那个纯真的自己,还给自己一颗清澈宁静善良的心。  关键词:善;本性;自然  5月11日,重庆一所幼儿园的家长称孩子最近出现了肚子疼、呕吐等症状,随后几名家长“溜”进幼儿园厨房一探究竟,发现厨房存放已
在清朝产生的118个状元中,不乏像张之万、翁同龢、孙家鼐、张謇这样在政治舞台上或实业领域有过重大建树的人物。然而,最具传奇色彩的当属龙汝言(?-1838),因为他的这个状元很大程度上是靠善于揣摩上意,投机逢迎得来的。  龙汝言是安徽安庆人,中秀才后,赴京应试不第。于是,他便留在京城某都统家做幕宾。清朝的“都统”是驻防各地的八旗组织的最高军政长官。按照清廷的风俗,每逢皇帝过生日,大臣以及朝廷中精于词