
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc93
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一、稳定压倒一切 邓小平同志指出:“中国的问题,压倒一切的是需要稳定。没有稳定的环境,什么都搞不成,已经取得的成果也会失掉。”邓小平同志这一重要论述,是在总结历史正反经验,深刻分析研究新的历史时期的国际国内局势,围绕如何坚持社会主义、制止动乱、防止和平演变的高度作出的。和平和发展是当今世界两大主题,但这不等于没有国际阶级斗争。西方世界老是企图使社会主义各国都放弃社会主义道路,最终纳入国际垄断资本的统治,纳入资本主义的轨道。资本主义梦想最终战胜社会主义,过去拿武器,用原子弹、氢弹,遭到世界人民反对,现在正在打一场没有硝烟的世界大战,妄图使社会主义国家和平演变。这 I. Stability Overrides Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “China's problems require overwhelming stability. Without a stable environment, nothing can be achieved and the gains already made will also be lost.” Comrade Deng Xiaoping's important exposition is to conclude History and positive experiences, profoundly analyze and study the international and domestic situations in the new historical period, and center around the height of how to uphold socialism, stop unrest and prevent the peaceful evolution. Peace and development are two major themes in today's world. However, this does not mean that there is no international class struggle. The Western world has always tried to give all socialist countries the path of socialism and eventually into the monopoly of international monopoly capital and into the capitalist track. Capitalist dreams eventually defeated socialism. In the past, they took the arms and used atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs to oppose the people in the world. They are now fighting a no-smoking war in an attempt to bring about the peaceful evolution of the socialist countries. This
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目前解决民兵训练经费的办法仍然是沿用计划经济时期的老办法,即:按行政区域向农民和大中企业统筹,由武装部门逐 At present, the solution to the militia training funds
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