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痢疾痢疾是由一种病菌侵害大赐的帖膜而引起的。本病多发生于夏、秋季节,不論成人或儿童都可以发生,但儿童較易发病。由于致病的病原体不同,一般可分为細菌性痢疾和阿米巴痢疾两种。細菌性痢疾病原体为各种类型的痢疾杆菌,主要有四种,卽志賀氏杆菌、弗氏杆菌、宋内氏杆菌和許氏杆菌,其中以弗氏和宋氏杆菌所致之痢疾为最多。阿米巴痢疾其病原体为溶組織性阿米巴原虫。这两种痢疾的病菌,都是凭借手、食物、水和蒼蝇的传播而感染的。 Dysentery is caused by a kind of bacteria that infringes upon the great gift. The disease mostly occurs in summer and autumn. It can occur in adults and children, but children are more susceptible to the disease. Due to different pathogenic pathogens, they can generally be classified into two types: bacterial dysentery and amoebic dysentery. The bacterial dysentery includes various types of dysentery bacillus. There are mainly four kinds of dysentery bacillus, Shigella spp., Brucella spp., Sonnerella spp., and Hsp spp. Among them, dysentery caused by Freund&s. Amoeba dysentery is the pathogen of the organization of amoeba. Both of these diarrheal diseases are caused by the spread of hands, food, water, and flies.
ObjectiveToobservetheefectsofnervegrowthfactor(NGF)onnitricoxide(NO)releaseandconstitutivenitricoxidesynthase(cNOS)geneexpres... ObjectiveToobservetheeffectsofnervegrowthfactor (NGF) onnitricoxide (NO) release and constitutivenitricoxidesynthase (cNOS) g
为了探讨母亲胎儿分娩后脐血的再利用性,我们于1996年8月~12月分别测定了脐血部分物质的含量,并与母体血含量进行了比较,报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 脐血的来源与采集 选择我院产科足月妊
Propoxur is a widely used dithiocarbamate insecticide. In this study, the clastogenic effect of propoxur has been evaluated using chromosomal aberration assay i
制法:用桉树叶洗净拭干,取15公分配适量水煮成一百公撮的煎液,用无菌玻璃瓶贮之。用法:以无菌纱布浸该液后敷在溃疡上面。效用:可以治疗新旧大小汤火伤溃疡,且 Method: Was
48.何谓煅法?目的是什么? 答:煅是将药物直接放在火上烧煅,或放在适宜的容器内在火上烧煅的方法。多数矿物药一般烧煅后还要醋淬。目的:1.药物通过高热处理,改变所含成分的
笔者应用赤小豆、陈醋二药治愈一例表浅动脉血管瘤,兹介绍如下: 处方:赤小豆60克陈醋50毫升治法:赤小豆60克研为细末,加入陈醋调成糊状。将患处用水洗净,根据瘤的大小取一块
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