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实事求是是马克思列宁主义的精髓,是毛泽东思想的精髓,也是邓小平理论的精髓。说真话,是党的实事求是思想路线的具体体现。说真话,就是尊重客观事实,反映客观实际,尊重人民群众,也是我们做人的基本准则。坚持实事求是、一切从实际出发,按照实际情况制定工作方针、政策,以事实为依据处理问题,就可以避免或减少失误,社会主义革命和建设事业就一定能够顺利地前进。我们党领导全国各族人民从一个胜利走向一个新的胜利,靠的一条基本原则,就是坚持实事求是,一切从实际出发。 Seeking truth from facts is the essence of Marxism-Leninism, the essence of Mao Zedong Thought, and the essence of Deng Xiaoping Theory. To tell the truth is the embodiment of the party’s ideological line of seeking truth from facts. To tell the truth is to respect the objective facts, to reflect the objective reality, to respect the people, and to be our basic principle of being a human being. Adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, proceed from reality and formulate working guidelines and policies in light of the actual conditions and handle problems on the basis of facts so that mistakes can be avoided or reduced, and the cause of socialist revolution and construction will surely be able to proceed smoothly. One of the basic principles on which our party leads the people of all ethnic groups across the country from victory to victory on a new basis is to uphold truth from facts and proceed from reality.
定量法: 提取二乙基已烯雌酚(DES),用化学法转变为有色生成物,然后对生成物进行分析。试剂和仪器: Quantitative method: Diethyl diethylstilbestrol (DES) was extracted
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