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滴滴涕在农业上和卫生上被普遍用于消灭虫害。它不易分解,因而,环境中滴滴涕含量日益增多。滴滴涕进入机体后,以滴滴涕及它的代谢物DDE和DDD貯存于体内。它在人体中蓄积程度以及对人体健康的影响,日益被人们关心。因此测定机体中滴滴涕及其代谢物含量已是了解环境污染的重要方面。滴滴涕的测定方法虽有化学法、薄层法等,但它们或者特异性差,干扰因子多,或者在定量上尚有困难,而气相色谱法具有简单、快速、灵敏的优点。因此,在地面水中滴滴涕气相色谱测定方法的基础上,进行了生物材料中滴滴涕及其代谢物测定方法的探索,现将此方法介绍于下。测定方法一、仪器和色谱条件:气相色谱仪、氚源电子捕获鉴定器。 DDT is widely used both agriculturally and hygienically to eradicate insect pests. It is not easily broken down and, as a result, there is an increasing amount of DDT in the environment. DDT into the body, with DDT and its metabolites DDE and DDD stored in the body. Its degree of accumulation in the human body and its impact on human health are increasingly being concerned about. The determination of DDT and its metabolites in the body is therefore an important aspect of understanding environmental pollution. Although DDT is determined by chemical methods, thin-layer methods, etc., they are either poor in specificity, many in interference factors, or difficult to quantify. However, GC has the advantages of simplicity, rapidity and sensitivity. Therefore, the determination of DDT and its metabolites in biomaterials based on the determination of DDT in surface water by gas chromatography is presented below. Determination of a, instruments and chromatographic conditions: gas chromatography, tritium source electron capture detector.
Concerning SIRS injury carries a disproportionately high morbidity and mortality in the elderly to re-search whether Interleukin-6 be risk or protective inflamm
文章概述了我省于 2 0世纪 60年代开展的加勒比松引入及其一系列的遗传改良研究工作 :包括本种、洪都拉斯和巴哈马加勒比松的引种及种源试验 ;优树的选择及种子园营建技术 ;
○ 邓元昌《锁麟囊》或许是近年来上演最多的一出程派戏,不但唱腔好听,其故事也很值得品味。剧中有这样一场戏:四位丑角扮演的老小傧相等追富嫌贫,为人生富贵贫贱的命运而争