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不同载荷和速度下轮副在特定系统中的传动特性是大家所关心的。本文从系统的角度分析单啮运动误差是齿轮系统产生强迫振动的激励源,从建立轮副扭振的力学模型导出了相应的振动方程,说明轮副振动状态取决于单啮运动误差对时间的二阶导数△(?)′,并且认为评定齿轮的传动质量必须考虑到系统的质量、刚度、阻尼条件及固有频率和载荷速度等因素的影响,并用多次实验和所得曲线作了验证。指出在齿轮副传动过程中按实际条件的不同,存在着共振、脱啮、非工作面碰撞及越齿脱啮和共振脱啮等现象。实验和分析都证明,在确定的系统和工作条件下轮副的运动特性主要取决于静态单啮运动误差,因此深入分析动、静态误差的相互关系不仅将为探明轮副的振动、噪声等动态过程的机理,还将为以后确定“设计齿形”提供某些依据。 The transmission characteristics of wheelsets in a particular system under different loads and speeds are of concern. This paper analyzes the single-tooth motion error from the perspective of the system as an excitation source for forced vibration of gear system. The corresponding vibration equation is derived from the mechanical model of the torsional vibration of the wheel set. The vibration state of the wheel set depends on the single- Second derivative △ (?) ’, And consider the quality of the gear transmission must take into account the quality of the system, stiffness, damping conditions and the natural frequency and load speed and other factors, and verified by multiple experiments and the resulting curve. It is pointed out that there are some phenomena such as resonance, disengagement, collision of non - working face, disengagement of teeth and resonance disengagement in the process of gear pair transmission according to the actual conditions. Experiments and analyzes show that the motion characteristics of the wheelset depend on the static one-piece motion error under certain system and working conditions. Therefore, in-depth analysis of the interaction between the dynamic and static errors will not only be used to detect the vibration, noise, etc. of the wheelset The mechanism of dynamic process will also provide some basis for determining “design tooth shape” in the future.
[本刊讯]古代文史学家程千帆教授因病于 6月 3日在南京逝世,享年 88岁。程千帆教授1913年生于湖南长沙,1936年毕业于金陵大学中文系,1978年起被聘为南京大学中文系教授,曾任国家古籍整理出版规划小
一、绪言现代化学工业中硝酸装置的规模已猛增到1000吨/日,采用全压法生产硝酸,经吸收塔吸收后的尾气为2.6~3.0 kg/cm~2的压力和180℃左右温度,经换热升温后推动尾气膨胀透平
在省城打拼了几年,我和未婚妻也有了一些积蓄,正准备结婚的我们看好了市中心的一套房子。准备付首付的时候,父亲打来了电话。父亲的声音有些急促,经营木材生意的他想进一批货,可手里的钱又不太够,希望我能先帮他垫点。我犹豫了一下,父亲连忙告诉我,这些钱算他借的,等那批木材一出手,他就立刻还给我。我没敢立刻答应父亲,只告诉他手头比较紧,晚些时候再给他消息。父亲怏怏不快地挂了电话,我的心里有些不忍。  父亲已经
摘 要: 时代在发展,社会在进步。尤其是当网络出现、3G、4G的更新换代越来越快的时候,一切都要跟得上时代的步伐。我国的教育也在一步步的进步,办学条件越来越优化,学习设备也是越发先进,教育的方式方法也比从前有了更多的突破。所以本文将根据多媒体在初中社会品德教学中的作用,简析它的具体运用。  关键词: 多媒体;课堂效率;学习兴趣;知识框架  一、 引言  学生的学习需要日日更新,作为教师更应当跟上时
浙江新昌喷灌机厂和江苏金坛喷灌机厂制造十种PY_1系列单双喷嘴、低仰角摇臂式喷头(型号见附表). 上述十种喷头是PY_1系列摇臂式喷头的新品种.它具有高度的三化水平,除喷体