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中国共产党已经走过了90年的风雨历程,站在今天的时间点上,回望这90年,值得总结、回忆、探讨和深思的事情,可谓数不胜数,但有一个话题,长期以来海内外政界和学术界聚论不已,这就是:当年国民党为什么打不过共产党?近年来,笔者在整理张学良口述史料过程中发现,张学良围绕这一话题从国共两党比较的角度谈了许多看法,比许多人谈得具体、生动、深刻,从中可以看出国民党和共产党的各自特点。张学良虽然说自己的生命到36岁就结束了,但他从1925年认识孙中山起,就开始和国民党打交道;从1934年 The CPC has gone through 90 years of stormy history. Looking back on these 90 years, there are countless things worth recalling, discussing and thinking deeply about. However, there is a topic that has long been a topic of debate both at home and abroad In recent years, the author in the process of sorting out Zhang Xueliang oral history found that Zhang Xueliang around this topic from the perspective of comparison of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party many views, compared with many people Talking concrete, vivid and profound, from which we can see the Kuomintang and the Communist Party’s own characteristics. Although Zhang Xueliang said his life ended at the age of 36, he started to deal with the Kuomintang since he first met Sun Yat-sen in 1925. From 1934
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