
来源 :中等林业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:radicafrank
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“非金属材料”课涉及面广,例如建材、木材、化工材料,塑料、涂料、橡胶等高分子材料,汽油、柴油、润滑油等等都属于非金属材料范围。真是品种繁多,而性质又各异。它不像数学课,有讲有练,有严密的逻辑;也不像语文课,有情有景,引人入胜。一种材料产品的性能、规格、型号是固定的,不能随意发挥。所以本课程教者感到十分单调;学者感到生涩、乏味、枯燥。但它又是物管专业的专业课,如何将这门课教得既生动又有趣,这是教学中急需解决的难题。以下谈谈我是如何开展非金属材料课的教学工作的。一、忠诚党的教育事业,热爱学生、热爱专业根据教育心理学研究,在影响 Non-metallic materials cover a wide range of subjects, such as building materials, wood, chemical materials, plastics, coatings, rubber and other polymer materials, gasoline, diesel, lubricants and so on all belong to the scope of non-metallic materials. Really variety, but different in nature. It is not like math class, there is practiced speaking, there are strict logic; nor like Chinese class, there is love King, fascinating. A material product performance, specifications, models are fixed, not free to play. Therefore, the teachers of this course feel very monotonous; scholars feel jerky, boring and boring. However, it is also a specialized course of property management. How to teach this course both vivid and interesting, which is a pressing problem to be solved urgently in teaching. The following talk about how I carry out non-metallic materials teaching work. First, loyal to the party’s education, love of students, love of professional According to educational psychology research, in the impact
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在分散有羧酸化合物的水中添加金属盐的水溶液和中和剂,通过把生成的氢氧化物的微粒子烧成,干燥后的凝胶容易粉碎,以达到提高生产效率的目的。 把邻笨二甲酸、酒石酸等羧酸