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在害虫治理中,在消费或贮藏粮食加工产品的建筑设施或场所进行害虫防治需要将杀虫剂施用在各种基质表面上。为了测定不同基质表面上杀虫剂的药效,将四纹豆象Callosobruchus maculatus(F.)成虫接触田间推荐剂量的阿维菌素、溴氰菊酯和毒死蜱。结果表明:施用在玻璃、瓷砖、塑料和纸盘表面上,阿维菌素对四纹豆象成虫的致死率分别为63.33%,22.41%,12.9%和11.9%,而溴氰菊酯在这4种基质表面上对四纹豆象成虫的致死率分别为55%,44.2%,41.3%和37.4%。在所有基质表面上接触毒死蜱,四纹豆象成虫的死亡率均为100%。对数据进行的Probit分析表明,毒死蜱制剂在玻璃、瓷砖、塑料和纸盘上对四纹豆象成虫的LC50值分别为8.66,13.6,29.16和56.5μg/mL,阿维菌素制剂的相应数值分别为119.4,446.2,774.2和836.4μg/mL,溴氰菊酯制剂的相应数值分别为1008,1131,1210和1336μg/mL。据此推断,毒死蜱对四纹豆象的毒性最强,且在玻璃、瓷砖、塑料和纸盘表面上的毒性依次降低。 In pest management, pest control at construction facilities or sites that consume or store food processed products requires the application of pesticides to various substrate surfaces. To determine the efficacy of insecticides on different substrate surfaces, adults of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) Were exposed to the recommended doses of abamectin, deltamethrin and chlorpyrifos in the field. The results showed that the lethal rates of abamectin to adult Beauveria bassiana were 63.33%, 22.41%, 12.9% and 11.9%, respectively, on the surface of glass, ceramic tile, plastic and paper tray, while deltamethrin The lethal rates of the four species on the four substrate surfaces were 55%, 44.2%, 41.3% and 37.4%, respectively. Chlorpyrifos exposed to all substrate surfaces showed a 100% mortality rate for all adults. Probit analysis of the data showed that the LC50 values ​​of chlorpyrifos preparations on adult glasswort, tile, plastic and paper tray were 8.66, 13.6, 29.16 and 56.5 μg / mL, respectively, and the corresponding values ​​of avermectin preparations 119.4, 446.2, 774.2 and 836.4 μg / mL, respectively, and the corresponding values ​​for deltamethrin formulations were 1008, 1131, 1210 and 1336 μg / mL, respectively. It is concluded that chlorpyrifos has the strongest toxicity to Siberian bean and its toxicity on glass, ceramic tile, plastic and tray surface in turn decreases.
Structure and Shape Control of Hydrothermally Synthesized Pb Ti O3 —— Effects of p H andComplexing Agents XIAO Li- hua,CHEN Dai- rongXU Xian- lun and LIU Shu-
The magnetic and electrical transport properties of the colossal magnetoresistance material La_(2/3)Ca_(1/3)MnO_3 were studied. It is found that the insulator-m
国际理论和应用化学联合会不久前认定,德国达姆施塔特重离子研究所的科学家发现了第111号元素。 据德国“科学”网站报道,科学家西古德·霍夫曼与同事早在1994年就利用镍元
承德市地处河北省东北部,是典型的冀北冷凉山区,单季稻优质高产、久负盛名,全市种植面积达2.67万 hm2,在河北省地级市水稻种植面积中处于第1位。水稻稻瘟病是发生于水稻田的主要病害之一,可引起水稻大幅度减产,严重时减产40%~50%,甚至颗粒无收。近年该病发生程度和面积呈逐年上升态势,对农业生产危害很大。选用高效对症的杀菌剂是有效控制水稻稻瘟病的唯一有效途径[1-4]。水稻稻瘟病属于危害承德市水稻
《中国无机分析化学文摘》经国家科委批准,1984年创刊,公开发行(刊号ISSN 1003—5249/CN11—1835/O6)。本刊以文摘、简介及题录形式报道国内公开发行的有关无机分析化学的期