太仓市直塘镇的呢桥村座落于204国道边,村办企业职工200人,拥有总资产1500万元,其中固定资产700万元。1994年职工年收入人均5000元。 呢桥村村办工业起步于80年代初,经过10多年的风风雨雨,从当时二家作坊企业,发展到具有一定规模的毛毯设备厂、电器厂、永升化工设备有限公司等5家企业。1993年、1994年盈利都达到200多万元,连续二年人均创利超万元,连续5年既无外债又无内债,成为直塘镇村级经济中的“佼佼者、“首富”。纵观呢桥村发展的道路,可概括为:借才起家,靠才致富。
Taiqiao Village, Zhitang Town, Taicang City is located on the side of 204 National Road. There are 200 employees in the village-owned enterprises, with total assets of 15 million yuan, of which fixed assets are 7 million yuan. In 1994, the annual income of employees was 5,000 yuan per person. It began in the early 80s in the village of Baqiao Village. After more than 10 years of ups and downs, from the two workshop enterprises at that time, it developed into a company with a certain scale of blanket equipment factories, electrical plants, Yongsheng Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. and other 5 companies. . In 1993 and 1994, the profits all reached more than 2 million yuan. For two consecutive years, the per capita profitability exceeded 10 thousand yuan. For five consecutive years, there was no foreign debt and no domestic debt, and it became the “best and richest man” in the village economy of Zhitang Town. The road to the development of Guanchaqiao Village can be summarized as follows: Borrowing only starts and you only get rich.