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2004年7月21日,《人民法院报》在醒目的位置刊登了《宁夏区党委纪检委决定不再将法院列入行风评议范围》的报道。 据报道介绍,近年来,在宁夏全区组织开展的“行风评议”活动中,一直把各级法院与地方政府工作部门一起列入“行风评议”范围。由于这种做法存在“混淆了行政权和司法权的界限,不符合宪法原则”和以行风评议结果作为衡量审判工作质量的标准,“势必影响司法权威,有损于国家形象”的问题,为此,宁夏自治区党委纪检委决定法院退出“行风评议”范围。 也许是考虑到法院退出“行风评议”范围可能存在“监督失控”的问题,报道还特别强调,人民法院是国家审判机关,其全部工作在党的绝对领导下,对其工作的权力监督、法律监督、新闻监督、舆论监督及内部的审判监督,“有着比较完善的法律规定监督程序和监督方式”。 On July 21, 2004, People’s Court News reported in a striking position that “the discipline inspection commission of Ningxia District Party Committee decided not to include the court in the style assessment again.” According to reports, in recent years, all the courts in all levels in Ningxia carried out the “style of appraising” activities with the local government departments at all levels. Since this approach has the problem of “confusing the boundaries between the executive power and the judiciary and not conforming to the principle of the constitution” and using the result of the line appraisal as a measure of the quality of judicial work, “it is bound to affect judicial authority and undermine the national image” To this end, the discipline inspection commission of Ningxia Autonomous Region Party Committee decided to withdraw from the “style reviews” range. It may be that taking into account that there may be a problem of “oversight and oversight” when the court withdraws from the scope of “style appraisal.” The report also stresses in particular that the people’s court is the national judicial organ. All its work is under the absolute leadership of the party and its power supervision, Legal supervision, news supervision, public opinion supervision and internal trial supervision, “has a relatively complete legal supervision procedures and supervision methods.”
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