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为研究叶鞘在籽粒灌浆期间代谢的分子机理,应用差异蛋白质组学方法分析了大穗型水稻“金恢809”在籽粒灌浆不同时期,叶鞘的蛋白质组变化趋势,共检测到23个差异蛋白质点,其中11个得到鉴定,并按其表达丰度的变化分为6类。第1类,随着灌浆进程表达量逐渐降低,如α-亚基草酰乙酸脱羧酶;第2类,表达量先升后降,如二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶小链和ADP-核糖基化因子1;第3类,表达量先降后升再降低,如生长素响应因子、锌指-C3HC4型家族蛋白、液泡H+-ATP酶和二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶活化酶;第4类,表达量先升后降再升又降,如核酮糖α亚基结合蛋白;第5类,表达量先降后升,如金属硫蛋白Ⅱ相似蛋白-1A和牻牛儿基牻牛儿基二磷酸合酶;第6类,表达量逐渐升高,如蛋白激酶家族蛋白。这6类蛋白分别参与叶鞘光合作用、激素调节、物质转运、植株衰老的抗性反应以及细胞信号转导,共同调控叶鞘的源、库、流转化。 In order to study the molecular mechanism of leaf sheath metabolism during grain filling, differential proteomics method was used to analyze the proteome change tendency of leaf sheath in large-panicle type rice “Jinhui 809” at different periods of grain filling. A total of 23 differences were detected Protein spots, of which 11 were identified, and according to their expression abundance changes are divided into six categories. In the first group, the expression level of the oxaloacetate decarboxylase decreased gradually with the progress of grain filling. In the second group, the expression level increased first and then decreased, such as the small chain of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase and ADP-ribose In the third group, the expression level decreased first and then decreased, such as auxin response factor, zinc finger-C3HC4 type family protein, vacuolar H + -ATPase and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase Category 4, the expression increased first and then decreased again and then decreased, such as ribulose α subunit binding protein; Category 5, the expression decreased first and then increased, such as metallothionein Ⅱ similar protein -1A and 牻Geranyl geranyl diphosphate synthase; Class 6, gradually increased expression, such as protein kinase family of proteins. These six types of proteins are involved in leaf sheaths’ photosynthesis, hormone regulation, material transport, plant senescence resistance and cell signal transduction, respectively.
目的 探讨正常大鼠从幼鼠到成年的发育过程中,肾脏皮髓质表观扩散系数(ADC)值的变化.方法 对5只1个月龄的雄性Wistar大鼠分别在实验开始第1天(d1)、第5天(d5)、第10天(d10)、
为深刻认识土地利用变化对土壤交换性离子的影响,本文对潮棕壤水稻田、玉米地、撂荒地和人工林地4种土地利用方式经过14年后,在0~150 cm剖面中土壤交换性钾、钠、交换性盐基总
目的 探讨家庭经济水平(FIL)与如皋市金婚夫妇代谢综合征(MS)的关系.方法 随机抽取如皋市内的金婚年龄夫妇587对进行MS患病调查,内容包括Ms相关指标及胰岛素抵抗(IR)、FIL,FI
文章依据现行国家标准及规范,结合建筑防排烟设计,提出对建筑排烟应进行简易设计计算并给出设计计算的方法。 Based on the current national standards and norms, combine
采用田间试验研究了不同施钾量对玉米钾素吸收利用的影响.结果表明:玉米产量随钾肥用量提高呈缓慢上升趋势.当钾肥用量达 156 kg/hm2时玉米产量最高,为11 177 kg/hm2,与不施