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小儿腹腔小,目前常采用下腹横切口作为剖腹手术入路,术后切口瘢痕小。但常规的下腹横切口需横断下腹壁肌肉、血管及神经,故损伤比较大,术后恢复慢。近两年,作者等采用下腹横纹交叉切口,不切断下腹壁肌肉、血管和神经,不但损伤小,而且术野暴露良好,获得了满意效果,报道如下。 1 临床资料 自1995年9月至1997年10月,采用下腹横纹交叉切口进行小儿剖腹手术35例,男26例,女9例,年龄最小6天,最大12岁,平均5.1岁。其中小肠切除吻合10例,病种包括美克尔 Small abdominal peritons, abdominal transverse incision is often used as laparotomy surgery, incision scar. However, the conventional abdominal transverse incision need to cross the lower abdominal muscles, blood vessels and nerves, so the damage is relatively large, postoperative recovery is slow. The past two years, the authors use the lower abdomen cross stripes incision, not cut off the lower abdominal muscles, blood vessels and nerves, not only small damage, but also a good field exposure, obtained satisfactory results, reported as follows. 1 clinical data from September 1995 to October 1997, the use of abdominal transverse incision for pediatric laparotomy in 35 cases, 26 males and 9 females, the youngest 6 days, maximum 12 years old, with an average of 5.1 years old. Incision and anastomosis in 10 cases, the disease includes merkel
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Amphiphilic molecules can form into different structures, such as micelle, microemulsion, vesicle, liposome, liquid crystals, and so on by self-associating. Th
李微漪还是打算把《重返狼群》先送至国外参展。  影片早就剪辑好了,片花也出了好几个版本,但她拿不到电影放映许可证。除放映资质外,还有一个原因,“这部片子太特殊,无法归类。”  “这是一部冷门(作品),既是纪录片又是故事片,国外有一个单独的门类叫做真实电影,譬如《海豚湾》。在国内,人们要的是娱乐、搞笑、快餐,他们简单定义这种片子为纪录片,没有人愿意花钱去电影院看‘动物世界’。”李微漪言语间透露着无奈
Gnetupendin C, a new dimer coupled by a resveratrol and an oxyresveratrol unit, was isolated from the lianas of Gnetum pendulum C.Y. Cheng (Gnetaceae). Its stru
中共水利电力部政治部于1966年2月12日发出通知。号召我部系統广大职工立即掀起一个向焦裕祿同志学习的热潮。通知全文如下: 焦裕祿同志的光輝事迹,为我們树立了一个完全彻
曾是北影校花的景甜,从出道起就一直被传闻有强硬后台撑腰,而关于“景甜被潜规则”说法更是层出不穷。  景甜,外表清纯靓丽,出道以来,虽然有在多部电视剧、电影等片中演出,但一直都半红不紫,直到2010年,她主演了电影《战国》,媒体影评人看片会之后,某影评人微博调侃:“《战国》应该改名叫作《景甜》。”结果被火速转载。之后,又有记者在微博上戏谑道:“景甜、白冰、韩雪,华人影视圈三朵奇葩啊。”一句玩笑话激起
In this paper, a new catalyst system V-Cs-Cu-Tl was studied in the gas phase selective oxidation for p-tert butyl toluene to p-tert benzaldehyde. The catalyst