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短信新闻的出现不仅为人们提供了获取新闻信息的崭新渠道,也改变着人们对新闻的传统看法和观念。作为成长中的“第五媒体”,手机短信在新闻传播上显示出巨大的成长空间,并逐渐形成自己的个性和特点。去年8月12日,新华社播发了我国首部短信新闻故事《赵家富》,作品共分14篇连载,每篇均不超过70字,通过小小屏幕向手机用户讲述了抗洪英雄赵家富的事迹。这是继去年伊拉克战争期间新闻短信首度引起人们关注以来,短信在新闻传播领域的又一次突围,连载的形式打破了短信只能播发单个简短消息的惯例,把较长的新闻故事也纳入短信新闻的传播范畴。虽然仅仅是一次成功尚未定论的尝试,但从中我们可以感受到短信新闻争取更大发展空间的强烈欲望。 The emergence of SMS news not only provides a new channel for people to get news and information, but also changes people’s traditional viewpoints and concepts of news. As the growing “fifth media,” SMS has shown tremendous room for growth in news dissemination, and gradually formed its own personality and characteristics. On August 12 last year, Xinhua News Agency circulated the first news story of China’s media, “Zhao Jia Fu,” in 14 serialized works, no more than 70 in each. Through a small screen, he told the mobile phone users about the heroic hero Zhao Jiafu. This is yet another breakout in the field of news media since the first news sms caught the attention of people in the Iraq war last year. The serialized form breaks the practice that sms can only broadcast a single short message, and also includes long news stories in text messages The spread of news. Although only a successful attempt has not yet been conclusive, but from which we can feel the strong desire for the news space for more space for development.
The asymptotic stability of delay difmplex matrices, ,...,d) stand for constant delays. Two criteria through evaluationof a harmonic function on the boundary of
目的: 探讨原发性痛经发生的相关因素和常见的中医证候,寻求原发性痛经的中医证候分布规律、证候特点,以及与患者发病因素、痛经程度等因素的关系。 方法: 采用原发性
In this paper the singularly perturbed initial boundary value problems for the nonlocal reaction diffusion system are considered.Using the iteration method and