A study of parameter-free shock capturing upwind schemes on low speeds' issues

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nylee
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Nowadays,the upwind schemes are in a rapid development to capture shock accurately.However,these upwind schemes’properties at low speeds,such as their reconstruction scheme dependencies,grid dependencies,and Mach number dependencies,are concerned by few people.In this paper,a systematic study on their low speeds’issues is conducted.Through a series of tests,we can find that most parameter-free upwind schemes,widely used in practice today,are not applicable to low speeds’simulations.In contrast,SLAU and SLAU2 can give reliable results.Also,the upwind scheme’s influence on the accuracy is stronger than the reconstruction scheme’s influence at low speeds. Nowadays, the upwind schemes are in a rapid development to capture shock accurately. However, these upwind schemes’ properties at low speeds, such as their reconstruction scheme dependencies, grid dependencies, and Mach number dependencies, are concerned by few people.In this paper , a systematic study on their low speeds’issues is conducted. Through a series of tests, we can find that most parameter-free upwind schemes, widely used in practice today, are not applicable to low speeds’ simulations. contrast, SLAU and SLAU2 can give reliable results. Al so, the upwind scheme’s influence on the accuracy is stronger than the reconstruction scheme’s influence at low speeds.
2010年1月11日,庄严的人民大会堂里,来自古巴的专家奥古斯汀·拉赫·戴维拉接过胡锦涛总书记颁发的获奖证书。作为2009年度国际科学技术合作奖7位获奖人之一,拉赫博士对 On
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